Monday, November 2, 2015

How can I help build the best education for myself? Daily Plans, 4th block: Tuesday, 3 November

Happy Tuesday AVID Family!
Homework: Parent Night on 5 November from 6-8pm! 
Big Idea: Everything is related in some way
Essential Question: How can I help build the best education for myself?
Objectives: I can...
...draw conclusions from summaries and diagrams showing scientific research.
...share my group's accomplishments so far.
...provide and use feedback from other groups.
...organize and revise my work.
1) Warm Up: Parent Night Grading (Until 1:27)
  1. Open the document here.
  2. Read what you need to do to get a 100 on your Parent Night work.
  3. Write a sticky note of things you have left to do to earn a 100. Be sure to include what you need to do if you cannot come to actual Parent Night. 
2) Graph and Diagram Reading (Until 1:40)
  1. Read the information about the science experiment.
    • In acidic soils plants don't always get enough magnesium (Mg). Scientists want to know if they can fertilize magnesium starved plants by adding fertilizer to the leaves or if the fertilizer must be absorbed by the roots of the plants. SPAD is the measurement of how much chlorophyll (food making organelles in plants) are present. A higher SPAD number is better. SE is standard error (how precise the SPAD measurements are).
  2. Use the table and labeled diagram below to see if you can figure out what the scientists may have concluded. 
  3. Compare your conclusion to the annotated version of the abstract (summary of the lab) and see if you were right!

3) Lesson Plan: Parent Night Planning Day 5 - Run Through (Until 2:25)
  1. Go to your Parent Night Run Through Room:
    1. Ms. Cunkelman: Scheduling and Logistics, Welcoming Committee, Babysitters
    2. Mrs. Testa: Student Leaders, Translator Team, College Planning Pros, Decorations and Hospitality
  2. Ten for your group.
    1. Everyone: 
      1. Read the supply list below and tell Mrs. Testa or Ms. Cunkelman if anything is missing. 
      2. Have It
        Buy It
        -colored tootsie rolls (Nickel)
        -candy (Nickel)
        -colored pencils (teacher rooms)
        -glue (office)
        -computer paper (office)
        -markers (teacher rooms)
        -legos (Nickel)
        -construction paper (office)
        -aluminum foil (Nickel)
        -poster paper (office)
        -googley eyes (Nickel)
        -one more bag of candy
        -3 packs of paper bags
        -1 box plastic bags
        -sparkle glue
        -cookies (3 packs oreos)
      3. Write a 60 Second Speech using the questions on your note sheet. 
    2. Student Leaders: Complete your timeline worksheet. See the Student Leader document.
    3. Scheduling and Logistics and Welcoming Committee: 

      • Those of you at Parent Night will be responsible for handing out Parent Guides and schedules when parents come. 
      • Decide who will hand out packets and schedules for each Advisory.  
      • Write this down and turn it in to Ms. Cunkelman. 
    4. Everyone else: Put final touches on all work. 
  3. Share your 60 Second Speeches using Hand Up-Stand Up-Pair Up.
  4. Ms. Cunkelman: Babysitters will run through their activities and games with the class.
  5. Mrs. Testa: Each table will be a different group. Student leaders will sit at different tables and run  through their presentations.
  6. Debrief: Students in the audience, give babysitters or student leaders pluses and deltas. Everyone, discuss final reminders for how to make Parent Night a success!
  7. Resources for groups:
    1. Decoration and Hospitality Committee
    2. Babysitters
    3. Welcoming Committee
    4. Translator Team
    5. College Planning Pros
    6. Public Relations and Advertising Committee
    7. Scheduling and Logistics Committee
    8. Student Lead Presenters 
5) Success Workshop: Time to Organize and Revise! (Until 2:45)
  1. Add upcoming due dates to your Google Calendar. Mark that we do not have school for Veteran's Day next Wednesday (Nov 11)!
  2. Check and respond to emails.
  3. Highlight key terms in your notes.
  4. Write HOT questions and summaries in your notes.
  5. Update your TOC and make sure papers are in the right place. 

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