Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How can I help build the best education for myself? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 28 October

Happy Tutorial Wednesday AVID Family!
Homework: Parent Night on 5 November from 6-8pm!
Big Idea: Everything is related in some way
Essential Question: How can I help build the best education for myself?
Objectives: I can...
...organize my work.
...reflect on group work and event planning.
...ask questions to improve understanding.
1) Warm Up: Five for You (5 min)
  1. Add upcoming due dates to your Google Calendar.
  2. Write HOT questions to your notes.
2) Group Work Reflection

3) Before Tutorials Begin:
  1. Get your resources out!
    1. Notes
    2. Textbooks
    3. Blog/website posts
    4. Assignments
  2. Break into groups.
    1. Ms. Nickel: Math 1, Science
    2. Mrs. Testa: Math 2
    3. Mrs. Cunkelman: AVID, History, English
4) During the Tutorial: Inquire
  1. Tutors moderate!
  2. One presenter will give a 30 second speech. Tutors, take notes for the presenter.
  3. Then, group members will write a question to ask presenter.
  4. Tutorial starts. Make sure to take three column notes.
  5. Switch to the next presenter.
  6. Repeat.
  7. Finished? Work on homework. Stuck? Ask questions!
5) After the Tutorial: Tutors and Students: Complete the reflection. (at 2:35)

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