Wednesday, August 5, 2015

How can structures at LEC help me succeed? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 5 August

Happy Wednesday AVID Team!
Homework: Watch the flip class video below with your parents and have them send me a note!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: How can structures at LEC help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...list the parts of a graph.
...predict the impact AVID will have on my life.
...organize my notes and online tools.
1) Warm Up: Graphing Your Mood (5 min to graph, 5 min to review)
  1. Create a line graph showing your mood (y-axis) vs time (x-axis) over the course of the day (or yesterday).
  2. Give your graph a title.
  3. Write a summary of your graph showing what made your mood change.
2) Literacy Block: We are AVID!
  1. Before you read: Add on to the learning objectives posters. (10 min)
  2. While you read: (20 min)
    1. Skim the AVID Short and list in your notes how AVID will help you.
    2. With a partner: In your notes, list the parts of graphs.
    3. Highlight and label the parts of the graphs shown on the AVID snapshot.
  3. After you read: (20 min)
    1. Write on the board: How will AVID help you?
    2. Then, create yourself as an AVID student. 
      1. Create yourself wearing clothes needed for your career and holding a notebook, pom pom, etc from your dream college. 
      2. Around yourself, list the skills you'll have as an AVID student.
      3. Cut yourself out and attach it to the front of your binder OR staple it to the classroom wall. 
3) Success Workshop: Let's get organized! Log in to EVERYTHING!
  1. Go here. Click the "Login" button in the upper right hand corner. Try logging in to each thing below. Let me know if you can't.
      1. Central Carolina Community College Logo - Vertical
    1. Cougarmail
      1. username=first initial +first 4 letters of last name + last 3 numbers of student
      2. example:
      3. password (birthday)= MMDDYYYY
      4. example: 03161990
    2. Blackboard
      1. username=first initial +first 4 letters of last name + last 3 numbers of student ID
      2. password (birthday)= MMDDYYYY
    3. Webadvisor
      1. username=first initial +first 4 letters of last name + last 3 numbers of student ID
      2. example: mnick904
      3. password (birthday)= MMDDYY
      4. example: 031690
    4. AVISO
      1. and use your cougarmail account info
  2. Go to to get important information about CCCC.
  3. Create a google drive folder for each class you are in. Name it with your name and the class (example: Mallory AVID).
4) Exit Ticket: Organization Class Graph
  1. Write your name on a sticky note.
  2. Add it to the organization class graph to see how organized we are!
Tonight's Homework: 
  1. Read the syllabus with your parents/guardians.
  2. Watch the video below.
  3. Remind your parents/guardians to email me or send me a note (it can be in another language!). 
  4. Sign up for Remind!

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