Thursday, March 12, 2015

Missing Work and Revisions Help, 12 March

Want to bring up your grade or finish your missing work? Here's what we've done this semester:

Task 1: Revise your paragraph about community college.
-Point: Free community college is a great/terrible idea because…
-Resource here

Task 2: Finish all parts of the Powerful Choices Project. Copy them, rename them, fill them out, and share them with me.
-Charting my Life (see directions below)

Charting my Life Direction:
  1. Personal Product: (10 min)
    1. On one side of your paper, list major memorable moments in your life.
    2. Set up a plus-minus chart for your life.
    3. Add your life events to the chart like we did for the sample.
    4. Mark where you are today.
  2. Personal Prediction:
    1. Mark where you want to be in the future.
    2. List what you will need to do to get there.
    3. Journal it! Choose one event that has had a lot of impact on you and write about that moment and how that moment led you to where you are today. This needs to be at least half a page.
    4. Write a point sentence describing your purpose in life and why that is your purpose.
    5. Take a picture of this and add it into you folder. Call it "Name-Charting my Life".

Task 3: Finish your Statement of Purpose.

Task 4: Make sure your binder and notes are organized and complete.

A few notes:

Tomorrow, you will have 30 minutes to...
  • Work on any of the assignments above for a cost of 3-10 points on your college-career readiness grade for having late work.
  • Help another student organize his or her binder or notes for 3-5 extra points on your college-career readiness grade.
  • Help another student revise his or her work for 3-5 extra points on your college career readiness grade.

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