Thursday, March 12, 2015

How can positive expectations impact your life? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Friday, 13 March

Happy Friday and end of 3rd Quarter AVID Team!
  1. Enjoy the weather!
Big Idea: Power
Essential Question: How can positive expectations impact your life?
Objectives: I can...
...identify what I need to finish. my classmates. community.
1) Warm Up: Positivity File (5 min)

  1. Add on to your postivitiy file!
  2. This time, find the biography of a person who inspires you and add that.
  3. Then, add a cute animal picture.

2) Time to Excel (see last night's post)
  1. Complete missing work (-7 points on College Career Readiness Grade).
  2. Finish revisions for me (-4 poings on College Career Readiness Grade). 
  3. Work on missing tasks for other classes (-4 points on College Career Readiness Grade).
  4. Work on organizing your binders and notes (-5 points on College Career Readiness Grade).
  5. Help your classmates with organization or by offering peer feedback (+ 5 points on your College Career Readiness Grade).

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