Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How can a structured series of questions help me solve my point-of-confusion? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 12 March

Happy Tutorial Wednesday AVID Team!!!
  1. Binder and Notes Check TOMORROW!
  2. Revise your Statement of Purpose.
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: How can a structured series of questions help me solve my point-of-confusion?
Objectives: I can...
...identify a point-of-confusion.
...peer evaluate a Statement of Purpose and make revisions.
...formulate guiding questions to help my classmates.
1) Warm Up: Tutorial Request Form (10 min)
  1. Pick a class you are struggling with now.
  2. Identify a tricky question that a teacher has asked you to answer or solve.
  3. Figure out your point-of-confusion using your TRF.
2) Writer's Workshop: Peer Evaluation (12 min partner, 10 min to revise)
  1. Open your Statement of Purpose.
  2. Get with your partner.
  3. Tell your partner what you would like them to look at specifically, for example:
    1. Do my transitions move the reader smoothly from paragraph to paragraph?
    2. Do my topic sentences introduce the rest of the paragraph?
  4. Read each other's papers and fill out the card like the one on the board (plus, delta, individual feedback, is a grammar check needed?).
  5. Decide if overall (write this in three sentences on your card):  If an admissions counselor, recruitment officer, or an employer were to read their Statement of Purpose would they:
    -Have a sense of who the author is?
    -See the author as a confident person capable of pursuing great things?
    -Want have this student as a part of his or her team?
  6. Return each other's work.
  7. Ask for clarification.
  8. Revise!
  9. Share a completed copy with me by AVID tomorrow!
3) Tutorial Time! (from 2:15-2:59)
  1. Go to the correct location:
    1. Ms. Cheatham: AFM, Math 2, Civics and Economics
    2. Mrs. Testa: Math 3, Stats
    3. Ms. Nickel: Biology, Geology, English
  2. In your Tutorial Groups:
    1. Decide on a moderator who will make sure everyone gives a 30 second speech and that classmates ask questions.
    2. Give a thirty second speech, help your classmates, fill in your three column notes.
  3. After the Tutorial:
    1. Fill out three questions that helped you, two questions you asked, one summary of what you learned.
4) Exit Ticket: Return your TRF, 3 column notes, and reflection to me!

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