Monday, October 20, 2014

How can reflecting on where I come from get me to where I want to be? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 21 October

Happy Tuesday AVID buddies!!!!
Homework: Revisions and Cornell notes review! 
Announcements: FIELD TRIP FORMSSSSS!!!!!
Big Idea: Cultivating relationships
Essential Question: How can reflecting on where I come from get me to where I want to be?
Objectives: I can…
...set SMART goals.
...contribute to a Socratic seminar.
...revise my Cornell notes.
...organize my binder.
Performance Task: Socratic seminar sheet
1) Warm Up: SMART Goals (1:27)
**What should I see at 1:22? What should I not see? Show me you've got this!**
  1. Write a SMART goal related to school. 
  2. Have a neighbor check it's SMARTness.
  3. Write a SMART goal for outside of school.
2) Literacy Block (1:45): Get the Whole Picture
  1. Finish Representation 4 of your sheet.
  2. Check your work with a neighbor.
  3. Summarize how you switched one part.
3) Lesson Plan: Identity Socratic Seminar (2:30)
  1. Watch the TEDtalk here.
  2. Write three open-ended questions related to the following: The article from yesterday, "Where I'm From", "A Sincere Man am I", your "Where I'm From" poem, the TEDtalk, and your identity tree.
  3. Get ready for the seminar!
  4. Contribute by asking questions and giving feedback.
4) Success Workshop: Binder Organization OR Cornell Notes Revisions (2:42)
  1. Revise your notes from your classes by:
    1. Highlighting key terms where you defined them, in your notes, in diagram labels, and in summaries.
    2. Chunking your notes.
    3. Adding HOT questions in the margins.
    4. Summarizing each set of notes with a sentence per HOT question.
    5. Working with a classmate if you think your notes are sketchy or partially incomplete.
  2. Organize your binders by:
    1. Taking out all loose paper and putting them in rings.
    2. Adding hole reinforcers as needed.
    3. Checking and fixing your TOCs.
5) Exit Ticket: Write three positives for yourself!

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