Thursday, January 12, 2017

How can I succeed in school this semester? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Friday, 13 January

Happy Friday AVID Students!
-Make sure your binder is well set up!
Big Idea: Structures provide organization
Image result for catch up timeEssential Question: How can I succeed in school this semester?
Objectives: I can...
...set and meet a short-term personal goal.
...make inferences based on people's notes.
...plan and perform a skit.
...choose how to use my time.
1) Warm Up: Time for YOU (20 min)

  1. Check back in your planner to answer the following:
    1. Did you meet your SMART goal? If not, what will you do to meet your goal?
    2. Did you complete all your homework for the week? If not, can you do it now and turn it in to your teacher?
    3. Do you need to revise any assignments?
    4. Do you have any upcoming due dates?
    5. What are you looking forward to this weekend?
  2. Take time for you! Options:
    1. Meet your SMART goal.
    2. Finish your homework.
    3. Make revisions.
    4. Color, read, or play a quiet game.
2) Lesson Plan: Notes as Artifacts (25 min)
  1. Before our stations:
    1. Set up a note sheet. EQ: How can I succeed in school this semester? Topic: Notes as Artifacts
    2. Review: What does it mean to infer? Give an example of inferences you can make in different classes and in your daily life.
    3. Make a table in your notes that looks like the table below.
  2. You will spend 4 minutes at each station doing the following:
    1. Skim the notes at your station.
    2. Fill in the corresponding row in your table.
    3. Discuss what you filled in with your group mates. Do you agree or not? Why?
  3. After the stations, write a reflection under your notes:
    1. Whose notes are most similar to yours?
    2. If someone looked at your notes, what could they learn about you?
    3. Can you guess who wrote which notes?

Sketch or describe the notes at your station.
-VARK Style of Author
Two Inferences About the Author
One Question OR Tip for Improving Notes for the Author




3) Family Time: Grab Bag Skits (20 min)
    Image result for grab bag skits
  1. Take a random object from the bag. 
  2. Work with your team to come up with a new use for the object.
  3. Create a commercial to sell your object.
  4. Share your skit with the class.
4) Family Time: Choice Activities (Until the end of class)
  1. Finish any homework or revisions you want to work on.
  2. Read.
  3. Play a board game.
  4. Color or use art supplies on the back table to create something.
Image result for happy weekend

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