Monday, September 19, 2016

How are countries interdependent? How can I organize related ideas? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 20 September

Image result for tutorial request formHappy Tuesday AVID Students!
  • No POC? See the "TRF Resources" tab
  • Math 3? Do your TRF on a Sentence Skills OR Reading Comprehension question
2) Meet your book club reading goal!
*Optional! Interested in the UN? Current events? Consider getting involved in global discussions with other youth via UN's Voices of Youth*
Big Idea: Systems are interdependent and influential
Essential Question: How are countries interdependent? How can I organize related ideas?
Objectives: I can...
Image result for mathematical representations
What are all the ways you can show
 a mathematical function?
...identify slope and y-intercepts. graphs.
...create graphic organizers.
...revise my notes.
(9-WRI.D.1; INQ.A.2; ORG.B.4-5; REA.B.2,4) 
1) Warm Up: The Whole Picture (15 min)
  1. Read the instructions on your sheet.
  2. Today, you will create Representation 1 into the three other representations.
  3. Highlight the slope and y-intercepts in all representations.
  4. Add "The Whole Picture (3 pgs)" to your TOC as #17.
2) Literacy Block: The Story of Globalization in One Graph (15 min)

  1. Before you read:
    1. Discuss: What are the steps you can use to read graphs?
    2. Vocab Intro
  2. While you read, point to/follow along with the graph as the article describes it.
  3. After you read: 
    1. Summarize what the graph shows.
    2. This graph simplifies globalization and income to one graph. What stories are missing? Left out?
3) Lesson Plan: Graphic Organizer Gallery Walk Prep (30 min) 
  1. Work on your graphic organizer poster.
  2. Divide your paper in half. 
    1. On one side you will write the basics about your graphic organizer type:
      1. Describe the use of your graphic organizer.
      2. State: When is your organizer useful?
      3. State: When would you not use this organizer? 
    2. On the other half create a graphic organizer using your notes from the article. 
    3. Graphic organizer resources:
      1. Outlines
      2. Star diagram
      3. Flowchart (Need ideas? Steps? Try here)
      4. T-Chart
      5. Spider diagram
      6. Cloud diagram
      7. PMI Charts (Need minuses? Try here)
4) Success Workshop and Closure: HOT Question Writing (15 min)
  1. Check your grades in PowerSchool.
  2. Take out your notebooks/binders for your class with the lowest grade.
  3. Write HOT questions in your notes AND on your assignments.
  4. Use sticky notes as needed!

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