Thursday, May 12, 2016

Where am I going? How will I get there? 10 Day Review Day 10: Friday, 13 May

Happy Friday Successful Students!
1) Meet your SMART goals for the weekend!
Big Idea: Structured review can support success
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...create awards for my classmates.
...set and meet SMART goals.
...enjoy Family Day time!
1) Warm Up: Make an Award (10 min)
  1. Come up with an award for the classmate whose name you get.
  2. Present your classmate with her/his award.
2) Success Workshop: SMART Study Hall (30 min)
  1. Write two 15 minute SMART goals on the back of your 10 day review calendar. Consider:
    1. Finishing any last minute revisions.
    2. Add HOT questions and summaries to assignments you don't remember in your TOCs.
    3. Condensing your old notes.
    4. Making more study tools like the ones from last week.
    5. Working on study guides.
  2. At the 15 minute marks, note how successful you are at meeting your SMART goals.
3) Family Day Time Outside (2:10-2:45)
  1. Tape a piece of paper to your back.
  2. Head outside.
  3. Write compliments on each other's backs.
  4. Enjoy your free time!

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