Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Where am I going? How will I get there? 10 Day Review Day 8: Wednesday, 11 May

Happy Wednesday Successful Students!
1) Meet your SMART goals for today!
2) Your AVID exam is TOMORROW!
Big Idea: Structured review can support success
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...create graphic organizers about SMART goals and essay writing.
...use my foldable in a study group.
1) Warm Up: AVID District Survey + Calm Coloring Time (15 min)
  1. Put your completed foldable on your table.
  2. Discuss: 
    1. What is WICOR?
    2. What is an example of a lesson or assignment that has all parts of WICOR?
  3. Fill in the survey.
  4. Pick up a coloring sheet.
  5. Color.
2) Lesson Plan: AVID Exam Prep (25 min)
  1. Overview of the AVID Final:
    1. Part 1: Common Application Practice Essay using TPEQEA
    2. Part 2: Graphic organizer describing your best mistake/revision this year
    3. Part 3: SMART goals for next year
  2. Work in your group to create one of the following (20 min)
    1. A flowchart that you can use to decide if you have a created a SMART goal
    2. A flowchart to help you decide if your thesis is strong enough to support a whole essay
    3. A fish bone diagram that shows the impact of not setting SMART goals when you study
    4. A fish bone diagram that shows why TPEQEA is helpful in essay writing
  3. During a short gallery walk, notice what is beneficial about each type of organizer.
  4. Share out what made creating your organizer easy and hard.
3) Success Workshop: Study Groups (2:10-2:40)
  1. Move to the correct room.
    1. Ms. Cunkelman: English
    2. Ms. Nickel: EES, Phys Sci (3rd period)
    3. Mr. Stern: Phys Sci (2nd period), C&E
    4. Ms. Testa: Math 2
  2. Break into groups of 4-5.
  3. Use your foldables to quiz each other.
  4. Help each other work through confusing questions.
  5. If you finish early, study for the same class by:
    1. Doing practice problems together
    2. Re-explaining material to each other
    3. Finding helpful videos on confusing topics
    4. Working on review packets/study guides/homework
    5. Rereading/writing notes while asking each other questions
4) Exit Ticket: Group Study Reflection (2:40-2:43)
  1. Complete the exit ticket.
  2. Give your Exit Ticket to your AVID teacher on your way out.

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