Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Where am I going? How will I get there? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 19 April

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!

1) TRF due tomorrow!
2) ACA Kahoot due Thursday
3) ACA Journal 9 due Friday
Big Idea: Powerful choices lead to success
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...add functions and charts to a Google Spreadsheet.
...determine how to best use my time.
...contribute to the Sanford Redesign project.
1) Warm Up: Graphing how I use my time (12 min)
  1. Copy the spreadsheet above.
  2. Make sure the activities listed match what you actually do.
  3. Put how many hours you spend on each activity in a day.
  4. Then, fill in the next column to show how many days a week you do each thing.
  5. In the column labeled "How many total hours you spend on each activity in one week" put "=(click on B2)*(click on C2)". Hit enter. Drag this function down through the whole column.
  6. Create a pie chart using column A and column B and then a second chart with column A and column D.
  7. Reflect: 
    1. What surprised you about how you spend your time?
    2. Are there any activities you want to add or remove?
    3. What changes will you consider making as we move toward 10 day review?
2) Literacy Block/Success Workshop: Breaking Down College Assignments (20 min)
  1. Before we break down college assignments: 
    1. List questions you can ask yourself as you read a college task to make sure you are successful.
    2. Note things you should avoid doing to be successful on your college assignments.
    3. Review the tasks.
  2. Your Tasks:
    1. Break into random people generator groups.
    2. Read your assignment.
    3. Look back at the questions we listed before we started.
    4. Answer these questions for YOUR assignment on your whiteboard.
  3. After you finish your task:
    1. Share your results with the class.
    2. Quickwrite: What differences and similarities did you notice between college and high school assignments? What will you do to ensure you succeed on college assignments.
  4. Copies of assignments: Geology Discussion Board; English paper; Desmos PreCalc Project; Symbiosis Discussion Board; Otavalu Market Discussion Board
3) Lesson Plan: Sanford Redesign (Until 2:42)
  1. Class Consensus: 
    1. Break into your groups.
    2. Create a T-Chart that says "What you can expect from our group" and "What we expect from your groups" at the top.
    3. Post this on the front board.
    4. Highlight similarities.
    5. Discuss our class expectations for our final redesigned block.
  2. Your Time!
    1. Look at your timeline and the document here.
    2. Make sure you have a specific goal for today.
    3. Work on it!
4) Exit Ticket: Fill in today's row in your Sanford Redesign log.

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