Tuesday, December 1, 2015

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? 10 Day Review: Tuesday, 1 December

Happy Tuesday AVID Family!
  1. Finish your Quiz-Quiz-Trade cards!
  2. *TRFs will be completed in class on Wednesday!*
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...summarize material I have learned.
...create a study calendar.
...write and answer review questions.
1) Warm Up: Summary Show Down (20 min)
  1. Choose a class you need to review for that you are not making Quiz-Quiz-Trade cards for.
  2. Open up your binder and digital folder for that class.
  3. Write as many summaries as you can (12 min). 
    1. Write your name on each sticky note or scrap paper you use.
    2. Each summary must answer the Essential Question and HOT questions you wrote.
    3. Each summary must be at least 4 sentences long.
    4. Highlight key terms you used in your summary.
  4. Ball up your summaries and throw them snowball fight style.
  5. Pick up at least 5 summaries and read them.
  6. Choose 1 to read to the class (Stand-Share-Sit style).
  7. Then, return the summaries to their owners.
  8. Stick your summaries to the back of your Learning Log (TOC #28).
2) Your Study Calendar (15 min)
  1. Highlight the days you have exams.
  2. Plan what you will study each day. See the example. AVID information is included highlighted and in italics!
  3. Add in reminders to take breaks or give yourself a reward. (Ideas: Go for a run, watch a silly youtube video, hang out with friends, etc) Some options, hosted by clubs, are already included!
3) Quiz-Quiz-Trade Marathon Part 2
  1. Open your Quiz-Quiz-Trade Marathon document (Original here).
  2. Read today's tasks.
    1. Finish your Quiz-Quiz-Trade cards.
      1. For definitions, write "Define ______ (vocab word)."
      2. For questions: Show the answer and related work. If it is an opinion question, write a possible answer.
    2. If you run out of words to define, choose another topic from the same class and keep adding on!
    3. Need places to look for questions? Try Khan academy, old tests, homework, teacher's website, Regents prep, quizlet, USA Test Prep, OWL Purdue, BBC Bite Size (Science).
    4. Done early? Illustrate your definitions.
4) Exit Ticket: Learning Log
  1. Complete day 2 of your learning log.
  2. Return this to your binder and TOC (#28: Learning Log).

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