Sunday, November 29, 2015

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? 10 Day Review: Monday, 30 November

Happy Monday AVID Family!
  1. Review for core classes. 
  2. Make sure you have turned in and revised ALL WORK for all classes!
  3. *TRFs will be completed in class on Wednesday!*
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can... quiz-quiz-trade to review AVID material.
...identify resources to use as I study.
...begin creating quiz-quiz-trade cards.
1) Warm Up: Six Words to Start (5 min + 2 to share)
  1. Choose one of the following options: 
    1. Write 3 six word memoirs to yourself with a caption explaining each.
    2. OR Write a story that uses two of the six word memoirs within it.
    3. OR Create a six word memoir for three of your classes this semester with a caption explaining each.
  2. Highlight your favorite memoir or line in what you wrote.
  3. Use Stand-Share-Sit to share out!
2) TOC Round Up (20 min)
  1. Create a table like the one below.
  2. Use PowerSchools to find your current grades (or refer to progress reports).
  3. Read through your TOCs for each class and tally the number of tasks you don't remember or don't understand or need to revisit for each class.
  4. Name 2-3 assignments you need to review.
  5. Create a list of details around the assignment. Ideas:
    1. Do this as a list or concept map - whichever you like more.
    2. List related vocab words.
    3. Name other similar assignments.
    4. List what you remember about this topic.
    5. Add questions you need to ask your teacher. 
Grade on 11/30
Number of Things to Review
Grade on 12/09



3) Quiz-Quiz-Trade Marathon Part 1 
  1. Make a copy of the document here.
  2. Rename it "First Name-Quiz-Quiz-Trade Marathon".
  3. Get a quiz-quiz-trade card and fold it in half. The question or word to define is the front of the card, the definition or answer is on the back. (This will make the cards useful to you by yourself too!)
  4. Play quiz-quiz-trade AVID edition (there will be 2 rounds).
  5. Complete the Monday tasks.
  6. Put your index cards in a bag or paper clip them so they do not get lost.
4) Exit Ticket: Learning Log
  1. Complete day 1 of your learning log.
  2. Add this to your binder and TOC (#28: Learning Log).

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