Sunday, March 29, 2015

What changes do I need to make to be career ready? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Monday, 30 March

Happy Monday AVID Family!

  1. Pennant and College Scavenger Hunt sheet are due TOMORROW! 100pts
  2. ALL ACA work is due TOMORROW! After that, late work = 0pts! College rules = On time, on task, on target!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What changes do I need to make to be career ready?
Objectives: I can...
...describe my first choice college.
...identify skills I will need in my future career.
...evaluate my current LEC and career plans.
...characterize my future first choice career.
1) Warm Up: Ten for You! (10 min)
  1. Put final touches on your pennant and college scavenger hunt sheet (Due tomorrow!).
  2. Revise your notes by adding HOT questions, writing summaries, and highlighting key terms.
  3. Organize your binder. 
2) Task 1: Skills I need (25 min)
  1. Before you read:
    1. Set up a note page. For the topic put: Skills I need
    2. Compare and contrast hard versus soft skills using the image above.
    3. Choose the link below that best fits your career cluster:
      1. An attempt to build the perfect cockroach cyborg.
      2. Government, Law, Safety (ex: Have coping mechanisms)
      3. Mental Health Outreach (ex: Be present)
      4. Health Sciences (ex: Understand science terms)
      5. Information Technology (ex: Ability to not be grossed out by cockroaches)
      6. Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (ex: persistence) 
      7. Arts (ex: Confidence to act goofy)
      8. Education, Training (ex: Try new things)
      9. Business (ex: Willingness to self-evaluate)
      10. Improv Everywhere takes over Best Buy
      11. Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources (ex: Survey skills)
  2. As you read, list things the person working has to do. 
    1. **You will have to use inference skills. What are the people working in your field doing? What decisions do they have to make? What do they have to consider? Who else do they work with? I have provided an example to go with each article above. ADD ON!)
  3. After you read:
    1. Summarize the problem the person/people were trying to solve.
    2. Look back at your list and label the things on it as hard or soft skills.
    3. Star the skills you think you have.
    4. Write a summary: What do you need to work on to excel in your chosen career? How will you work on those skills?
  4. Turn this in to the white drawer labelled 4 on the side table. Thank you!
3) Task 2: Career Interviews (20 min)
Interviewing and public speaking can make us in to nervous wrecks. BUT, sometimes the questions people ask can help us clarify our goals, ideas, and motivations. And, practice makes perfect! Today you will interview a classmate about his/her career goals. 
  1. Copy the document here.
  2. Find a partner.
  3. Work through the entire document.
  4. Share the document with me.
4) Task 3: Perspectives on My Future Career (20 min)
What do you want to be in the future? What do you and different people think you do in your career? What will you really do?
  1. Start an email to me:
    1. Subject: Name - What ____ Really Do
    2. Dear Ms. Nickel,
      1. Here is the link to my meme:
      2. Some people think people in my career do ____, but we really do ___.
      3. I am excited about my career choice because... I am worried about my career choice because...
      4. Sincerely,
      5. Your name
  2. Go to the link here.
  3. Give your meme a title.
  4. Add images by using Google Image Search. 
    1. Select a thumbnail.
    2. Right click and choose "copy image URL".
    3. Paste the URL in the appropriate box of your meme.
    4. When you have filled in all 6 boxes, click "Generate image by clicking here".
    5. Copy and paste the link to your image into your email to me.
    6. Send me your email!
    7. **Extra time? Work on note revisions, pennant, or work for another class
5) Exit Ticket: SMART Start! (2:58)
  1. Find your SMART goal sticky note from last week.
  2. Rank your success! 1 =, 4 = missed it by a long shot...:(
  3. Add a new goal for this week!

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