Friday, March 27, 2015

How can you hook people's interest in a career with hands-on activities? AVID Family Day! Friday, 27 March

Happy Friday AVID Team!

  • Finish pennants BY TUESDAY when you walk in! (I'll be out Monday). 
  • Finish Journal 10 by tomorrow for Coach B. 
  • All of Coach B's work is due March 31st. Email me if you need help!

Monday Procedures: You know what to do! Go to the blog and get your work done! Ya'll rock!
Big Idea: Relationships
Essential Question: How can you hook people's interest in a career with hands-on activities?
Objective: I can...
...plan a hands-on activity.
...relate an activity to a career.
...transfer these planning strategies to your career clusters next week!
1) Warm Up: 10 for You!
  1. Take out your College Scavenger Hunt sheet and pennant.
  2. Take out your missing work slip.
  3. I will check both. 
  4. Keep working!
  5. MAKE SURE you have the picture of how to do Journal 10 (extended TPEEEEEEEEA on Student Life in College!)
2) Career Clusters Practice Activity Planning
  1. When you get to the gym, get with your career clusters group.
  2. Plan how you would teach the activity named on your card.
  3. This card is due 15 minutes after we get to the gym.
3) Free Time/Missing Work Room

  1. Missing Work Room - Ms. Cheatham
  2. Grade Boost for Geology - Outside or in the gym w/ Ms. Nickel (you need a computer AND textbook!)
  3. Free Time in the Gym - Mrs. Testa
  4. Free Time Outside if it's nice - Ms. Nickel

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