Monday, February 9, 2015

Time For You! ACA Day: Tuesday, 11 February

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!!!
Wonderful Opportunity on Thursday: Learn about Volunteer Opportunities @ the Raleigh Natural Sciences Museum

  • Work for Coach B
  • Finish MBTI and Color Code Double Entry Journal by Thursday
  • LATE: (Share both with me!): My Powers and Who I am
  • ******************************
    Big Idea: Power
    Essential Question: Can classifying ourselves give us power?
    Objectives: I can…
    ...put finishing touches on my work for AVID.
    ...get my notebook and binder checked. on my work for Coach B.
    Performance Task: Color Code document
    1) Time for You!
    1. Write a SMART goal for what you hope to accomplish today. Consider:
      1. Working on your work for Coach B
      2. Finishing your LATE: (Share both with me!): My Powers and Who I am
      3. Finishing your MBTI and Color Code Double Entry Journal
      4. Revising your notes
      5. Organizing your binder
      6. Working on other homework
      7. Making revisions

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