Monday, February 9, 2015

Can classifying ourselves give us power? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Monday, 9 February

Happy Monday AVID Students!!!
  1. Finish Color Code document by Thursday
  2. LATE: (Share both with me!): My Powers and Who I am
Big Idea: Power
Essential Question: Can classifying ourselves give us power?
Objectives: I can…
...determine my ColorCode profile. and contrast my MBTI and ColorCode profiles.
...evaluate the value of knowing our personality types.
Performance Task: Color Code document
1) Warm Up: Color Code (10 minutes)
    Congratulations, you are a blue.
  1. Take the Color Code personality test.
  2. Get your results!
2) Literacy Block: MBTI and Color Code Double Entry Journal (15 minutes)
  1. Copy the document above and put it in your AVID portfolio folder.
  2. Complete Task 1 in the document above.
  3. Resources:
    1. Truity
    2. ColorCode Profile
3) Lesson Plan: Color Codes and Rainbows - Power in Grouping
    INFP, the Healer
  1. Get with people in your color group to complete Task 2. (10 minutes)
  2. Get with your rainbow group to complete Task 3. (10 minutes)
  3. Return to your regular seat to complete Task 4. (10 minutes)
4) Success Workshop: SMART Success (20 minutes)
  1. Write a SMART goal for what you hope to accomplish today. Consider:
    1. Finalizing your "My Powers" and "Who I am" documents
    2. Revising your notes
    3. Organizing your binder
    4. Working on your work for Coach B
    5. Working on other homework
    6. Making revisions
5) Exit Ticket: Set a SMART goal for the week.
  1. Finish Color Code document by Thursday
  2. LATE: (Share both with me!): My Powers and Who I am

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