-Wednesday: Come to class with your TOC round up and calendars complete!
-Ongoing: Study, Revise, Turn in all work!
-Tomorrow: ACA journal is due
-Friday: Consider donating large zip lock bags, highlighters, pens, pencils, sticky notes, gum, granola bars, positive notes, stickers, etc to help create 10 Day Review survival kits
*Mark your calendars for After School De-Stress Activities! Both are in my room from 3-4pm :).
-Ongoing: Study, Revise, Turn in all work!
-Tomorrow: ACA journal is due
-Friday: Consider donating large zip lock bags, highlighters, pens, pencils, sticky notes, gum, granola bars, positive notes, stickers, etc to help create 10 Day Review survival kits
*Mark your calendars for After School De-Stress Activities! Both are in my room from 3-4pm :).
- Today: Food Art! Bring candy, cut fruit or veggies to share to turn into edible art!
- Monday, 5/8: Color to Calm
Essential Questions: What do I need to study?
Objectives: I can...
...respond creatively to assigned prompts.
...identify my academic strengths and weaknesses from the semester.
...set goals to prepare for my exams.
...use my time effectively.
...respond creatively to assigned prompts.
...identify my academic strengths and weaknesses from the semester.
...set goals to prepare for my exams.
...use my time effectively.
1) Warm Up: Creative Responses & Organizational Time (10 min)
- Option 1: Continue writing a story or working on a drawing you have started.
- Option 2: Respond to one of the following prompts in writing or drawing:
- Write a story where a character's weakness works in their favor (see picture above).
- Illustrate and add captions showing what you would have in your 10 day review survival kit. Include your favorite snacks, necessary items (calculator), your playlist, etc.
- Apparently they sell "Law School in a Box" kits. What would be in a "LEC in a Box" kit? Name and justify at least 6 things.
- Option 3: Organize your binders and notebooks so you can find materials as we begin to study. (See me if you need help!)

- Read the Grading Information on the third page of your packet.
- At the bottom of the page, BELOW the "Comments" row, summarize what you need to do to get a 100 on your AVID final test.
- Ask questions as needed.
- On today's page, complete Part 1: Grade Check using PowerSchool and Blackboard.
- Have missing work or low grades? List the assignments to turn in or improve in the "Three things I remember are..." column.
- No missing work or low grades? List three you remember from your class in the "Three things I remember are..." column.
- As you flip through your binders and assignments, add tabs to any tasks you really need to review OR would be awesome at explaining to others. (Suggested tabbing key: Greens/Blues/! = could teach; Pinks/Yellows/? = need help)
- Complete Part 2: Assignment Review using five of the assignments you tabbed.
3) Lesson Plan Part 2: Calendar/To Do List (25 min)
- Review the tasks and events listed on your calendar.
- Using your TOC Round Up, set a SMART goal for each day during 10 day review, including the weekends.
- Example: Rewrite the unit circle 3 times; Spend 20 minutes revising English 1 paper; Watch river civilizations Crash Course video; Do two pages in science study guide
- Non-Example: Study math
- Swap papers with neighbor.
- Share feedback about whether or not your SMART goals are SMART.
- Finish writing goals.
- Add at least 5 brain breaks/rewards to your calendar.
- Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up and share your goals and rewards with two classmates.
4) Success Workshop: Time for YOU! (Until the end of class)
You choose:
The AVID district program is hosting its second Summer College Road Trip! This is a GREAT way to visit colleges for ONLY the cost of lunch! Below you can see the dates and locations. You'll tour the school, eat in the dining hall (or bring a bag lunch and make this free!), see a dorm, and visit students' favorite places around campus!
The AVID district program is hosting its second Summer College Road Trip! This is a GREAT way to visit colleges for ONLY the cost of lunch! Below you can see the dates and locations. You'll tour the school, eat in the dining hall (or bring a bag lunch and make this free!), see a dorm, and visit students' favorite places around campus!
How to sign up:
1) We'll share the application with you once we have it. More trips will be added after we leave for the summer, SO PLEASE check the Lee County Schools' homepage here for the updates. Fill in the application! This is first come, first serve!
2) Get a permission slip from by Ms. Delmaine's door (these will be out sometime during 10 day review - so keep checking). Complete the form with your parents/guardians and return it to Ms. Delmaine!
3) On the day of the trip, meet at Lee Senior around 6am with about $10 for lunch.
June 14: NCSU, Peace
June 15: UNC Charlotte
June 20: High Point University
July 25: ECU
Hopefully upcoming: ASU, UNCCH, NCCU, Virginia Tech, UNCP
We hope you can go! Please let Ms. Foster or Ms. Delmaine know if you have questions!
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