-ACA Tasks: Time Management Task due to me today!
-Enjoy your spring break!!!!
-ACA Tasks: Time Management Task due to me today!
-Enjoy your spring break!!!!
Big Idea: Structures have interrelated parts
Essential Questions: What can I do to meet my goals?
Objectives: I can...
...review concepts I've learned recently via poetry writing.
...set and meet personal goals.
...plan for a purposeful career fair.
...review concepts I've learned recently via poetry writing.
...set and meet personal goals.
...plan for a purposeful career fair.
1) Warm Up: Poema En Dos Voces - Mystery Review Poems (15 min)
- Get with a partner.
- Choose 2 vocab words that go together (isosceles and scalene triangles; Buddhism and Islam; kinetic and potential energy; similes and metaphors; etc. etc.).
- Write alternating lines that describe, without naming, your term.
- Swap poems with another pair.
- Read each other's poems aloud.
- Guess what the terms are.

- On your index card write what you will work on for 25 minutes:
- Personal Choice Project
- Choose your Own College Adventure - Resources here:
- College Life Scenarios - Radford University (Scroll to page 3.)
- Common Problems College Freshmen Face
- 25 Challenges for Students and Their Parents
- Roommate Conflict Scenarios (Scroll to page 3.)
- Health Topics in Mental Health
- Student Retention Scenarios (These are from a professor's point-of-view but may still be helpful!)
- Organizing your binder & revising your notes
- When time is up, write what you got done and identify what your next step is.
- Check your 4th period teacher's website or below.
- Ms. Sawyer's Class - Work through as much of this as you can.
- Mr. Stern's Class - Here's what's going on after spring break - get ready today so you can relax over break!
- Monday: Age of Exploration notes from prezi
- DUE TUESDAY: Crash Course notes due on Atlantic slave trade
- Ms. Grello's Class - Take and finish quiz
- Refer to your SMART goal and planner.
- On your index card write what you will work on for 30 minutes:
- Classwork for 4th block
- Homework
- AVID assignments
- When time is up, write what you got done and identify what your next step is.
4) Exit Ticket: Career Fair Conversation (7 min)
- Set up a note sheet with your name and period. Put "Career Fair" as the title.
- Discuss: What was awesome about our college fair? Frustrating?
- With this in mind, what should we do, ask, and not do at the Career Fair today? Write this in a T-chart on your paper.
- Assignment:
- While at stations, ask career professionals questions like the following:
- What advice do you have for high schoolers interested in your career?
- What is the most fulfilling and most challenging part of your career?
- If you could do any other career what would you do instead and why?
- Can you tell me what a day is like in your job?
- Do you get to work with other people?
- Between stations, jot down the career professional's name and job and 1-3 interesting facts or tips you heard.
- At the end of the career fair, help break down tables and answer the following questions:
- What career that you learned about today is most similar to your first choice career? What do you like about that career? What worries or concerns you about that career?
- Share any tips for improving future college fairs.
- Turn this paper in to me!
- Come to my classroom at the beginning of 4th period to walk up together!

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