-Tomorrow: Share your Personal Choice Project with us
-Next Tuesday: ACA journal is due
-Tomorrow: Share your Personal Choice Project with us
-Next Tuesday: ACA journal is due
Big Idea: Structures have interrelated parts
Essential Questions: How do I benefit from setting and meeting my own goals?
Objectives: I can...
...identify fun things to do at my first choice college.
...turn in my Choose your Own College Adventure Story.
...finish my Personal Choice Project presentation.
...identify fun things to do at my first choice college.
...turn in my Choose your Own College Adventure Story.
...finish my Personal Choice Project presentation.
1) Final Notes, Revisions, and Submission: Choose your Own College Adventure Story (25 min)
- Make final revisions to your Choose your Own College Adventure.
- Add the following information to your document:
- Find 6 specific things to do at your first choice college:
- Turn in your final draft!
- Review the questions you need to answer in your presentation.
- Finish your presentation. Think about your presentation as a project pitch or explanation of a work in progress, like a DWC, unless you are totally done.
- Keep working on your Personal Choice Project.
- Presentation Inspiration:
- Presentations can be as simple as listing what you worked on, answers to questions, and what you want to do next.
- OR You can have us, your audience, do an activity so we try out what you learned.
- AP Art, Personal Projects (Look here for art and poetry ideas!)
- Five ways to give a presentation no one will forget
- Presentation Platforms: Simple chat, mini-lesson, Prezi, Google slides, mini-poster, Emaze, Google doc with questions and discussion points, etc.

- Open and update your planner.
- Rank the progress you are making toward your SMART goal (1 = you forgot about it; 4 = you went above and beyond).
LCS Summer College Road Trip
The AVID district program is hosting its second Summer College Road Trip! This is a GREAT way to visit colleges for ONLY the cost of lunch! Below you can see the dates and locations. You'll tour the school, eat in the dining hall (or bring a bag lunch and make this free!), see a dorm, and visit students' favorite places around campus!
How to sign up:
1) We'll share the application with you once we have it. More trips will be added after we leave for the summer, SO PLEASE check the Lee County Schools' homepage here for the updates. Fill in the application! This is first come, first serve!
2) Get a permission slip from by Ms. Delmaine's door (these will be out sometime during 10 day review - so keep checking). Complete the form with your parents/guardians and return it to Ms. Delmaine!
3) On the day of the trip, meet at Lee Senior around 6am with about $10 for lunch.
June 14: NCSU, Peace
June 15: UNC Charlotte
June 20: High Point University
July 25: ECU
Hopefully upcoming: ASU, UNCCH, NCCU, Virginia Tech, UNCP
We hope you can go! Please let Ms. Foster or Ms. Delmaine know if you have questions!
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