Thursday, February 2, 2017

Where am I going? How will I get there? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Friday, 3 February

Happy Friday AVID Students!
Image result for catch up time-Stay up-to-date on your Career Research Project
Big Idea: Our choices relate to our identity and goals
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...add on to my Career Research Project.
...set and meet short-term personal goals.
...create and play a game.
...choose how to use my time.  
1) Warm Up: Time for YOU (30 min)
  1. Write your To Do List:
    1. Finish the Thursday-Friday part of the Career Research Project. (1st period, please add this to that row and complete it too: Find one current event, problem, or project related to your career. Write a 2 sentence summary of the article you found. Put the link to the article in the “Sources Used:” table.)
    2. Check your SMART goal and planner. What else do you need to do? List this.
      1. Finish homework?
      2. Do revisions?
      3. Meet your SMART goal?
      4. Finish your Identity Tree or Personal Projects Analysis?
  2. Complete the tasks on your To Do List. When you finish, post your list on the board and de-stress (read, color, listen to music, etc.).
2) Family Time Part 1: 100 Blank White Cards

    Image result for card games
  1. Goal of the Game: Get the most cards on each round.
  2. Game Setup:
    1. On your slips of paper, write 2 random words of your choice.
    2. Put the words in the bucket.
  3. Game Play:
    1. Round 1: Taboo
      1. Draw a card and get your classmates to guess the word by saying related words.
      2. Whoever guesses the word first gets the card.
      3. After all cards are played, tally and record how many cards you have. 
      4. Put all cards back in the bucket.
    2. Round 2: Charades:
      1. Draw a card and get your classmates to guess the word by acting it out (no words, sound effects are okay).
      2. Whoever guesses the word first gets the card.
      3. After all cards are played, tally and record how many cards you have. 
      4. Put all cards back in the bucket.
    3. Round 3: One Word Association: 
      1. Draw a card and say ONLY ONE word to get your classmates to guess the word.
      2. Whoever guesses the word first gets the card.
      3. After all cards are played, tally and record how many cards you have. 
      4. Put all cards back in the bucket.
  4. The winner will be awarded candy!
Image result for quotes about choice3) Family Time Part 2: Choice Time
  1. Finish any work you have.
  2. Start a book club.
  3. Choose a current event and discuss it.
  4. Create something awesome using recycled scraps and art materials.
  5. Draw a thank you note for someone.
  6. Play board games.
  7. Etc...

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