Thursday, February 16, 2017

Where am I going? How will I get there? (Day 9) Daily Plans: Thursday, 16 February

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
-Field trip form and $15 due Monday, Feb 20
-ACA Journal due Tuesday, 11:59pm (Check "Lessons & Homework") 
Big Idea: Our choices relate to our identity and goals
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Image result for learning reflectionObjectives: I can...
...reflect on what I have learned this week.
...finish my visual presentation.
...plan what I will say during my presentation.
...set and meet a personal goal.
1) Warm Up: Learning Log (12 min)
  1. Take 3 minutes to skim through your notes from this week. Try to highlight key terms as you go.
  2. Choose an option for filling in your learning log.
  3. Complete your learning log entry for today.
  4. On a scrap of paper, list two terms/topics you covered this week that someone could feasibly draw or act out. (We will use these tomorrow.)
2) Lesson Plan: Career Research Project - Presentation Creation and Feedback
  1. Finish your visual presentation: (15 min)
    1. Open your copy of the Career Research Project document here
    2. Review the information that must go in the presentation.
    3. Finish creating your presentation. See me for help!
  2. Plan what you'll say: On a note sheet or series of index cards, do the following: (10 min)
    1. Hook your audience. Ideas:
      1. Image result for presentation tips
      2. Is your career growing a lot? Will you make tons of money? Will you help loads of people? Give us a shocking statistic.
      3. Describe a scene from a day on the job and end by asking, "Could you do this career?"
    2. Give an overview of your career cluster and career.
    3. Describe why you chose this career. Refer to your TPExExElA paragraph and feel free to add an anecdote.
    4. Connect your career to a college and professional. 
      1. Which college did you choose and why? 
      2. What questions do you still want to ask someone and which is most important to you as you make college and career decisions?
    5. End your presentation. 
      1. Show us your sources and tell us if any of them are worth us looking at.
      2. Tell us one more time why this is the career for you OR why we should consider this career/career cluster.
      3. Ask for questions.
  3. Give a mock presentation: (20 min)
    1. Share your presentation with your group.
    2. Record any questions they ask and pluses and deltas they give you in your research document.
    3. Ask your peers questions and give them pluses and deltas. Remember, there is always room for improvement!
    4. Tomorrow you will have time to make revisions and post your link in your document.
Image result for meet your goal3) Success Workshop/Closure: Time for YOU (until the end of class)
  1. Revisit your SMART goal from Monday. 
  2. Add any new due dates to your planner. 
  3. Decide what to work on until the end of class. Options:
    1. Meet your SMART goal.
    2. Work on your ACA assignment.
    3. Revise any assignments as needed.
    4. Get started on homework. 

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