Monday, December 5, 2016

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? Daily Plans: Monday, 5 December

Happy Monday AVID Students!
-Complete your tasks listed on your calendar!
-Game/Project due WEDNESDAY!
Image result for study tools-Consider bringing in a game/project related snack to share on Wednesday, or a snack to share during study groups on Friday.
-Consider donating: tissues, hand sanitizer, sticky note tabs, and index cards
Big Idea: Structures provide organization
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...choose a study tool to make.
...practice writing elaboration sentences.
...create a project/game that raises awareness about an issue.
1) Warm Up: Study Tool Selections (5 min)

  1. Use your TOC Round Up, current grades in PowerSchool, and class experiences to choose a class to focus on by making a study tool.
  2. Complete the form below.

2) Literacy Block: TPEQEA Workshop (30 min)
  1. Before you read: 
    1. Define "elaborate" at the top of your "Responding to Quotes" sheet.
    2. Share how you write elaboration sentences.
  2. While you read:
    1. Image result for evidence in writing
    2. Highlight sections that give you "Aha!" moments and ideas for what to write when you write your elaboration sentences.
    3. Put question marks by confusing parts.
  3. After you read:
    1. Ask any questions you have.
    2. Number off.
    3. Write an elaboration sentence that continues the paragraph below.
      1. There are many different ways to study. The best way to study is in a tiered approach because then you are prepared to help others and you remember everything in the way you need to. According to a psychology professor, Scott Plous, "During the first phase, carefully review your notes and the textbook, perhaps creating flashcards to help you remember definitions, theories, and other important material. Then, once you feel confident of the material, study with one or more classmates (or with a TA during weekly office hours)" (Plous).
    4. Share your sentence with the class.
    5. Discuss: How can we use the structure of TPEQEA to help us on exams?
    6. Ten minutes for you: 
      1. Option 1: Find a TPEQEA paragraph and work on revising it.
      2. Option 2: Write a practice TPEQEA paragraph responding to the question, "Why is ten day review important?". 
      3. Option 3: Write an analysis sentence to finish the paragraph your group worked on. Study or read quietly.
3) Lesson Plan: Study Tool Creation (25 min)
  1. Tab the pages in your notes that review the concepts you will cover with your study tool.
  2. Read through the requirements and resources below.
  3. Begin creating your study tool.
Study Tool Requirements
Graphic Organizer Booklet
Video Collage
Board Game
1) Create a booklet with three different graphic organizers. Each organizer reviews a different concept and has at least 10 details.
2) The cover of your booklet lists the concepts your booklet reviews, has 2-3 relevant images, and key terms or formulas make up the border.
3) Cover at least 3 details with questions on sticky notes, one at each of Costa's levels.
1) Create a Google document with the following:
-A list of three concepts you need to review
-A 3 sentence summary of each concept
-A video link to a video that explains the concept
-4 questions (1 level 1, 2 level 2, 1 level 1) and answers.
*You may also use review websites in place of videos if those are more helpful. Check out BBC Bitesize, Physics Classroom, etc.*
1) Make a board with a title that is catching and a subtitle that says which 3 concepts your game reviews.
2) Then, add 4 relevant and labeled images/diagrams to your board.
3) The board game must have a path that players have to move across with cards they have to pull and answer to move forward.
4) You must have at least 15 cards with 5 level 1 questions and 10 level 2-3 questions.

4) Final Task: Game/Project Development Workshop (Until the end of class)
  1. Open your copy of the document here.
  2. Keep working on creating your game/project!
  3. Projects will be shared and games will be played on Wednesday! Be ready!

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