Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Where am I going? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 9 November

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
1) Due TOMORROW: UNCP form and $15, meet your book club goal, bring in a book related snack to share and a piece of cardboard if you are making a game!
2) By next Tuesday: My Future Story is due before the end of class (*NOTE: This is a date change!*)
Image result for revised cornell notes****************************
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: Where am I going?
Objectives: I can...
...revise my notes.
...explore programs offered at UNC-Pembroke.
...ask and answer clarifying questions.
(AVID Standards: 9-CD.A.1,7; 9-COMM.A,B; WRI.D.1; INQ.A,B; ORG.B; CP.B.2,C.2)
1) Warm Up: Revise your Notes (10 min)
  1. Five minutes for you: 
    1. Finish your TRF.
    2. Read for book club tomorrow.
    3. Work on My Future Story.
  2. Take out your TRF.
  3. Find notes and assignments related to your TRF. Tab these for use during Tutorials.
  4. In the margins of your TRF, list as many questions as you can think of that might help a student who was confused on the topic your TRF is on OR a concept you did within a few days of your TRF topic.
2) Declare a Major (25 min)
You have been accepted into UNC-P and you need to declare a major. If you had to choose today, which major would you choose and why?
  1. Everyone:
  2. Image result for unc pembroke majors
    1. Add on to your note sheet from yesterday.
    2. Go to the link here.
    3. List three programs or departments that sound interesting to you.
    4. Select a program or department that sounds interesting to you.
    5. Locate "Degrees and Programs".
    6. List two programs that you would consider in the department.
    7. Choose a degree or program that sounds interesting to you.
    8. Find the checklist for that degree or program (your major).
    9. Name one class that would be the first class you want to take.
  3. In Groups:
    1. Read about your assigned topic and then share out about your topic with the class. 
      1. Biotech Center
      2. Recent News (Scroll down to where it says..."Recent News".)
      3. Student Affairs
      4. Study Abroad
    2. Use your exploration of your assigned topic to tell us:
      1. Why is your information is important?
      2. How do students benefit from these offerings/this information/these events?
3) Tutorials (Until the End of Class)
  1. Before Tutorials:
    1. Image result for completed trf forms
    2. Gather your computer, pen/pencil, notes, and TRF.
    3. Share concept ratings.
    4. Choose the order for presenting.
  2. During Tutorials:
    1. Take notes as the presenter gives a 30 second speech, as people ask questions, and as the presenter records notes.
    2. Ask questions.
    3. Record notes for the presenter.
    4. When the presenter gets it, ask the presenter to explain the topic to a confused friend to write a step-by-step summary.
  3. After Tutorials: 
    1. Reflection: 
      1. What was the most helpful question you asked, answered, or heard?
      2. What is one change you would make to the Tutorial process?
      3. What do you wish you could do a Tutorial on?
      4. Why did you write your TRF on the topic you chose?
    2. Done early? 
      1. Option 1: Work on homework from the class your TRF was on.
      2. Option 2: Keep working on "My Future Story".
      3. Option 3: Read to meet your book club goal for Thursday.
      4. Option 4: Continue working on the "Ask" and "Imagine" or "Proposal" sections of your Game/Self Design project.

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