Monday, November 21, 2016

How will I get where I am going? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 22 November

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!
Image result for hand turkey*************************
Enjoy your break! Be thankful :)
Big Idea: Systems follow rules and their parts interact
Essential Question: How will I get where I am going?
Objectives: I can...
...list who and what you are thankful for.
...create an artifact based on your book.
...beta test games and give feedback on projects.
1) Warm Up: Practicing Gratitude (12 min)

  1. Trace your hand and, if you want, make it look like a turkey.
  2. In each finger, note the following:
    1. Image result for scrap paper awards
    2. Pinky: A place you are thankful for
    3. Ring finger: A friend you are thankful for
    4. Middle finger: A family member you are thankful for
    5. Pointer finger: An item or thing you are thankful for
    6. Thumb: An experience you are thankful for having
  3. Cut out your turkey and post it by the door.
2) Book Club Meeting: The Reward, The Road Back, and The Resurrection (35 min)
  1. Discuss the end of the your book using the protocol here.
  2. Work on creating your final product. (You will share these on Friday, Dec 2!)
  3. Give each group member a scrap paper reward/certificate from their contribution to your book club discussions and missions.
3) Game/Project Workshop: Beta Testing and Feedback (Until the end of class)
    Image result for beta testing
  1. Open your copy of the document here.
  2. Get into groups as needed.
  3. Spend 5 minutes planning how you will teach others your game/present your project. Be ready to describe any unfinished components.
  4. Break into groups of 3-6 people.
  5. Share your projects or play your games.
  6. As people play, avoid jumping in and see if they can figure stuff out.
  7. Note in your document what they seem to enjoy and struggle with.
  8. Ask group members to give you a plus and delta.
  9. Use the feedback to make/plan revisions.

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