Thursday, November 17, 2016

How will I get where I am going? Daily Plans: Friday, 18 November

Happy Friday AVID Students!
1) Read to meet your book club goal. Finish your book by next Tuesday!
2) Work on your game or self-made design project.
*Finish late work and revisions for all classes! Cramming over Thanksgiving is not fun!*
Big Idea: Systems follow rules and their parts interact
Essential Question: How will I get where I am going?
Objectives: I can... how parts of my project are interrelated.
...plan a complex game or creation about a current issue.
How will your game or project show the complex relationships
creating and solving your issue?
...describe what I have read this week. a project related to my reading.
1) Warm Up: Game and Project Complex System Planning
  1. Doodle the parts of your project or game (interviewees, meeples/roles, game board, canvas).
  2. Draw arrows showing how the parts are related to each other.
  3. List any rules about how these items are related on the arrows. (ie. interviewees answer questions when the camera is on, meeples move across the game board after they role the di and complete a challenge, etc.)
  4. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up to share this with a classmate for feedback. Is your game or project as complex as your issue? How do you make the complex systems involved understandable?
2) Game/Project Development Workshop:
    Image result for board game rule books
  1. Open your copy of the document here.
  2. If you are joining forces with a team, make sure you have worked up to the bold word "Optional".
  3. Get into groups as needed.
  4. At the top of your document, decide how you want to earn your final 20 points. If you are working in a group and one person is in charge of art and one is in charge of strategy, you can decide that partner A gets 20 points for art while partner B gets 20 points for the rules in the rule book.
  5. Work through the "Plan" section of your document and then move on to "Create".
  6. On Tuesday, we will begin beta testing/giving feedback. Be ready! 
3) Book Club: Tests, Allies and Enemies AND The Approach and Ordeal
  1. Third and Fourth Period:
  2. Image result for the approach and ordeal
    What ordeals do your characters face?
    What is their reward?
    1. Title a new sheet of paper "Tests, Allies, and Enemies".
    2. Write a three question test on what you have read in the past weeks. Swap with a group member. Grade each other!
    3. Choose a minor or major character and jot down some characteristics of this character. Without revealing your character, ask your group mates yes or no questions to try to figure out a) who they are and b) if you are allies or enemies. Reveal who you are.
    4. Identify your favorite book character.
    5. Jumble with other students who are reading different books.
    6. Describe your characters and determine possible alliances and enemies if your characters were smashed together in one novel/world. Map these relationships on the back of your test.
  3. All:
    1. Complete a book club discussion and mission using the protocol and ideas here AND your contract.
    2. Choose your final artifact. You will begin creating this on Tuesday. Note what you will create on your contract. Ask me for approval.
    3. Paperclip all of your work together.
    4. Put your book club materials in the drawer with your class period number on it.

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