Thursday, December 3, 2015

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? 10 Day Review: Friday, 4 December

Happy Friday AVID Family!
Homework: Complete your study calendar goal! 
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...identify what I need to work on.
...set and meet goals. for all classes.
...summarize what I've reviewed today. or catch up!
1) Time for YOU! (15 min)
  1. Review your study calendar. 
    1. Have you met your goals for this week?
    2. As you've reviewed information this week, what have you realized you need to review?
  2. Set a goal.
  3. Work on it!
  4. Self-evaluate your success in meeting your goal.
2) Finish Quiz-Quiz-Trade Marathon Part 3 (25 min)
  1. Play rounds of Quiz-Quiz-Trade. Bring your notebook with you to solve work and to record information in. 
  2. Rounds: **You will have multiple cards (ie. Math 1 and Math 2). Use the card your partner needs and hand off both cards.**
    1. Round 1: Math 
    2. Round 2: English/Reading
    3. Round 3:  World History/C&E or Spanish
  3. Each round will last 6 minutes followed by 2 minutes to summarize. Things to note when you have time to summarize:
    1. What key terms did you define, use, or hear?
    2. What memory tricks, rules, or formulas do you need to remember?
    3. What were some main ideas you heard?
  4. Debrief at the end: List questions you still need answered. Who will answer your questions?
  1. Complete Day 5 of your learning log.
  2. Return this to your binder and TOC (#28: Learning Log).
4) Family Day in the Gym!

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