Tuesday, December 1, 2015

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? 10 Day Review: Wednesday, 2 December

Happy Wednesday AVID Family!
  1. Review for other classes.
  2. *TRFs will be completed in class on Wednesday!*
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...identify points of confusion.
...ask clarifying questions.
...reflect on what I learned. 
1) Warm Up: What's going on? (7 min)

  1. Draw two heads. These can just be circles.
  2. Label one "While I study" and the second "While I take exams".
  3. Illustrate what goes on in your head in both situations. 
    1. What do you do if you get stuck?
    2. What do you do when you get tired?
    3. How do you feel if you get to a question you really know?
    4. What do you do when you procrastinate? How do you get yourself to stop?
    5. What do you do when you meet a goal?
  4. Finally, write one awesome thing to remember while you study AND while you take exams.
  5. **We will add on helpful tips tomorrow.**

3) Quiz-Quiz-Trade Marathon Day 3 (1:30-2:43)
  1. Preparation: 
    1. Go to your Tutorial Room:
      1. Ms. Cunkelman: World History, Civics and Economics, English 1
      2. Ms. Nickel: Earth and Environmental Science, Math 1
      3. Mrs. Testa: Math 2, Reading
    2. Sit with the students with the same class as you. 
    3. Pass your Quiz-Quiz-Trade cards around the table.
    4. Find one question that is hard for you and write your TRF on this question.
    5. If there are more than 7 students with the same content, break into two groups. Here's how:
      1. Find people with different TRF initial questions.
      2. This way, you can learn more and help others!
  2. Tutorials:
    1. All students share their initial question and rank their confusion.
    2. The first presenter shares his or her 30 second speech. End with the POC. 
    3. Students help each other clarify the POC by asking questions. 
    4. Have the presenter end by summarizing the steps to solve or answer his or her POC.
    5. Move to the next presenter.
  3. Reflection at 2:35. Return TRF to AVID Teacher at 2:43 and stay in the room until 2:45.
**Tutors, at this time, return to Ms. Nickel's room for your reflection!**

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