Monday, November 23, 2015

Where am I going? How can I use my time wisely to get there? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 24 November

Happy Tuesday AVID Family!
Homework: Enjoy your time with family and friends! 
(Read your TOCs or flip through your notes or binders to keep your brain on.)
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: Where am I going? How can I use my time wisely to get there?
Objectives: I can...
...list what I am grateful for today.
...write a thank you card.
...share my gratitude with my classmates.
...have fun with my classmates!

1) Warm Up:
  1. Make a hand turkey.
  2. In each finger-feather write something you are grateful for.
  3. Cut out your turkey and post it in the classroom or in your binder!
  4. Make a thank you card for someone who you don't always remember to say "THANK YOU!" to. 
  5. Give it to him or her as soon as you can :-).
2) Family Day Outside!
  1. First we'll play, "I'm an LEC student and you're an LEC student too, if you are grateful for..."
    1. ex: "...if you are grateful for Cornell notes!" "...if you are grateful for chocolate."
  2. Then...FREE TIME!
  3. If you still have missing work, you will work on that! No one wants to go on break with a mountain of things to do. Yick. 

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