Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How can I design the best study system for myself and my classmates? Daily Plans: Thursday, 1 October 2015

Happy Thursday AVID Family!
  • Binder and Note Revisions due Monday
  • Field Trip form due next Thursday
  • 1st Block Only: 
    • Finish your Study Groups sheet
    • Use the Accuplacer Study Guide 
    • Add on notes for 3 topics. Include:
      • Name of topic and explanation
      • Key things to remember
      • Sample incorrect and corrected sentence
Big Idea: System
Essential Question: How can I design the best study system for myself and my classmates?
Objectives: I can...
...define academic vocabulary terms.
...respond to quotes in a variety of ways.
...identify the best ways to study collaboratively.
...create a to do list for studying.
1) Warm Up: Academic Vocabulary (8 min)
  1. List every vocabulary word you can remember reviewing this week.
  2. Define the words during our Vocab Intro.
  3. Work with a partner to write a Sentence Beast using at least one word from today and one word from another class.
2) Literacy Block: Responding to Quotes (12 min)
  1. Highlight the bold options for ways to respond to quotes on your cheat sheet.
  2. Read the beginning of the TPEQEA paragraph below.
  3. Use your assigned way to respond to quotes to write your elaboration sentence.
  4. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up to hear how other people responded to quotes.
There are many different ways to study. The best way to study is in a tiered approach because then you are prepared to help others and you remember everything in the way you need to. According to a psychology professor, Scott Plous, "During the first phase, carefully review your notes and the textbook, perhaps creating flashcards to help you remember definitions, theories, and other important material. Then, once you feel confident of the material, study with one or more classmates (or with a TA during weekly office hours)" (Plous).
    3) Lesson Plan: Use your Study Tool
    1. Take five minutes to put final touches on your Study Tool.
    2. Go to your assigned room.
    3. Break into groups.
      1. Ms. Nickel: Math 1, Science
      2. Mrs. Testa: Math 2
      3. Mrs. Cunkelman: History, English
    4. Pretend you are about to have the largest test you have ever taken in the content you reviewed for.
      1. Whose study tool will you use first? Why?
      2. If your study group is effective, what will I see and hear? What will I not see and hear?
    5. As you study, fill in your two column notes.
    6. When you finish, complete your reflection.
    7. Turn your note sheet and study tool in to your AVID teacher at 2:43.
    • Field Trip form due next Thursday
    Accuplacer Review Help:
    -Use the correct answer explanations for Sentence Skills here.
    -Use the resource here to understand how writing is laid out.

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