Happy Monday AVID Family!
Homework: Revise your notes! Be ready to peer evaluate poems on Thursday!
Big Idea: Relationships
Essential Question: How can knowing where we are from help us determine where we will go?
Objectives: I can...
Objectives: I can...
...write creatively.
...create a cheat sheet for reading a poem.
...determine the purpose of a poem.
...write a poem about who I am.
***********************************...create a cheat sheet for reading a poem.
...determine the purpose of a poem.
...write a poem about who I am.
1) Warm Up: Creative Writing (5 min)
- Read the prompt below and respond in one of the following ways:
- Argue or agree with the quote. Does poetry make the world more bearable? Why or why not?
- List what you think makes the world more bearable and why.
- Draw something that makes your crummy days bearable.
- Write a poem that makes the world more bearable.
2) Literacy Block: How to Read a Poem:
- Before you read: Word Splash! When your teacher says, "We are reading poetry!, what happens in your head?
- As you read:
- Look at the text features in the article.
- Create a cheat sheet for how to read a poem. (Hint: Use the table of contents and subheadings).
- Read "Read with a pencil" and "Examine the basic subject of the poem" while taking notes on what to do as you read a poem.
- Skim the rest of the article.
- Getting Ready:
- Listen to the poem.
- Partner read the poem annotating as you go.
- Discuss: What is the purpose of the poem? How does the poet convey her purpose?
- Watch the video below of another student's version of the poem.
- Your task:
- Write your own "Where I'm From" poem by Friday.
- Today: Prewrite and Draft
- Tuesday: Finish Draft
- Thursday: Peer Evaluate
- Tuesday: Publish and Illustrate, Self-Identity Reading
- Wednesday: Seminar Prep and Tutorial
- Thursday: Identity Seminar
- Friday: Family Day Poetry Readings (small group)
- Monday: Identity Trees
- Tuesday: Identity Trees Due
- Read the rubric here!
- Begin the writing process using the sheet from class or the online copy here.
Sample from last year |
4) Success Workshop: Note Revisions!
- Take out your notebooks for other classes.
- Add HOT questions and summaries.
- Put sticky note tabs by things you need to ask your teacher for help with.
- Work on homework.
5) Exit Ticket: Study Buddy! (2:45)
- What class do you need to study for this week?
- How will you study?
- Who will help you study?
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