Friday, May 15, 2015

How can I celebrate my successes? Daily Plans: Friday, 15 May

Happy LDOC AVID Studying Professionals!

Homework: Study on AVID Pros!
Big Idea: Systems
Essential Question: How can I celebrate my successes?
Objectives: I can...
...inspire my classmates.
...celebrate my successes.
...polish my grades.
1) Warm Up: Shout Outs, Decorations, and Inspiration (10 min)

  1. Put your missing work slip on your table.
  2. Write a shout out to a fellow freshman or teacher to thank them for something this year.
  3. WITHOUT LOOKING INSIDE, decorate the cover of the folder in front of you. Make this positive and inspiring! I will be returning these to your Advisory teachers for the beginning of next school year.
2) Ice Cream Social or Missing Work Room

3) Reminders for next week: I will be after school most days until 4:15. I am more than happy to help you study! Email me any time! I can also help you find study resources. You are not alone in exam taking. And remember, SLOW DOWN and treat yo self!

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