Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What changes do I need to make to be career ready? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Thursday, 2 April

Happy Thursday AVID Family!
Homework: Check Monday's post!!! 
  1. College Pennant and Scavenger Hunt
  2. Skills you need notes
  3. Interview document
  4. Meme and email 
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What changes do I need to make to be career ready?
Objectives: I can...
...identify attributes that make myself and others successful at our chosen careers.
...develop to do lists with my career clusters group.
...find resources we can use for our poster.
1) Warm Up: Career Match Making 

  1. Choose three of the following people:
    1. Your favorite superhero
    2. Favorite fictional book characters
    3. Your pet transformed into a person (be creative)
    4. Someone you know who you think could have a better career
    5. Favorite athlete when he or she retires
  2. Match three of those people to the career you think he or she should have.
  3. Here's your format: ______ would be a great _____ because _____.
    1. Example: Hermione from Harry Potter would make a great research scientist because she is really smart and unafraid to try new things.
2) Literacy Block: How to a career that's best for you

  1. Before you read: Call out things you considered when choosing a college and then a career.
  2. While you read: Use Diigo sticky notes to answer each question. THEN, relate that question to your career.
    1. Example: 
      1. Question: How important to you is work-life balance?
      2. Answer: Important! I want to have time to throw myself into work, but also time to workout, play with my dog, and spend time with friends. However, work really is a HUGE part of my life. I'm concerned being a lawyer might take up too much time and make me stressed out.
  3. After you read: Email me a summary that compares and contrasts how you made your career decision and how the article suggests you make your decision. Do you need to reconsider anything?

  1. Review the information that needs to go onto your trifold poster board and what needs to go into the activity.
  2. On one half of your big white paper, create a research checklist. What do you need to look up
  3. to finish each part of the trifold poster? What do you need to look up to plan an interesting hands-on activity?
  4. Fill out your activity proposal.
  5. Split up the work by creating a to do list with each person’s tasks. Do this on the other half of your big white paper.
  6. Turn in your activity proposal.
  7. Hang up your research checklist and to do list poster.

4) Exit Ticket: Add on to the Work Log.

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