Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How can I help others choose succeed? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 29 April

Happy Wednesday AVID College Explorers!
  1. LATE WORK: Career Problems Paper, Common App document, Pennant, etc
Big Idea: Relationships
Essential Question: How can I help others succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...describe my day from a different point of view.
...plan a display and activity about my career cluster.
...identify three actions I can take to be a strong college applicant.
...relate images to mission statements.
1) Warm Up: Today 2.0 (5 min)

  1. Take out your Common Application 3-2-1.
  2. Write or draw about one scene from your day from the point-of-view of a snail, teacher, pencil, or soda bottle.
  3. Share one thing from your reflection.

2) Lesson Plan: College/Career Readiness Stations

  1. Go to your Career Clusters room.
  2. You will cycle through each station. You will have about 25ish minutes per room.
  3. Ms. Nickel:
    1. Work on your trifold poster board or activity plan.
    2. Contribute to the video log:
      1. What do you wish you had known about transitioning to high school?
      2. How has AVID helped you?
      3. What are you doing to be college ready? Career ready?
      4. Any other tips for elementary and middle schoolers!
  4. Mrs. Testa:
    1. Work on your photo presentation about NCSU.
    2. Create decorations for the gym for the Career Clusters Forum.
      1. Signs for "Arts/Humanities Career Clusters" and "Sciences and Math Career Clusters"
      2. Welcome sign
      3. "Meet a Tour Guide" sign
      4. "Q and A" sign
      5. "Trivia and Feedback" sign
  5. Ms. Cheatham: 
    1. Listen to Mr. Testa's presentation on the Common Application and CFNC.
    2. Ask questions.
    3. List three things you will do to create the strongest application possible by the time you are a senior.

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