Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How can honesty about our failures change our community for the better? Daily Plan: Thursday, 15 January

Happy Thursday AVID Buddies!
  1. Sign up for remind!
  2. Type and revise your TPEQEA paragraph by Friday!
  3. ACA journal and icebreaker forum due Friday!
  4. Get your family day attendance sheet filled out!!!!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: How can honesty about our failures change our community for the better?
Objectives: I can…
...plan ways to enhance the LEC community.
...describe ways to use failure effectively.
...organize my binder.
...write using TPEQEA.
1) Warm Up: What club would you create? (12 minutes)
  1. Log in to Blackboard.
  2. Select your ACA class.
  3. Select "Lessons and Homework" on the sidebar.
  4. Go to the "Lesson One" folder.
  5. Choose "Orientation Icebreaker Forum".
  6. Respond to the prompt by telling the class what club you would create using a Point, Example, Elaboration, and Analysis sentence. Sample sentence frames below:
    1. LEC would be improved if we had a ______ club because _______.
    2. ________ would lead to improvement by allowing students to learn/do/create/etc _____.
    3. If students learn these skills, LEC would be improved because ______.
    4. Considering these ideas, we need a ______ club so that ______.
  7. Comment on at least three of your classmates ideas.
2) Literacy Block: Reading Charts and Graphs (10 minutes)
  1. Work silently and individually.
  2. Go to the link here.
  3. Work through questions 1-7 on the quiz.
  4. Record how many you get right.
  5. Ask questions as needed!
3) Lesson Plan: Failing Loudly and Proudly (30 minutes)
  1. Before you watch: Write on the back of your paper how you respond in each of the situations listed.
  2. While you watch: 
    1. In the left hand column: Record quotes from the video that you find interesting or inspiring OR that you disagree with. 
    2. In the right hand column: Write your thoughts, reactions, and questions sparked by each quote.
  3. After you watch: 
    1. Three-minute quickwrite: 
      1. Describe a time you failed and learned something positive from it. What structures led to the positive outcome? 
      2. Describe a time you failed and reacted negatively, in a way that made things worse. What would you do differently? What structures are available to help you?
    2. Share it!
      1. Swap papers with a neighbor. 
      2. Give your classmate ideas for avoiding similar failures in the future.
      3. Tell your classmate if you've failed in a similar way and something you learned from your failure.
      4. Revise your responses on the back of your paper.
4) Success Workshop: Organize it and WORK! (30 minutes)
  1. Make sure your binder is awesome. Take out your binder grading sheet. I will circulate and grade binders.
  2. Revise and type your paragraph on free community college. The article is here.
  3. Work on your journal post for Coach B on your hero. Ideas here:
    1. Topic: What are heroes?
    2. Point: Who is your hero and why? What impact has he or she had on you?
    3. Examples (have 2): Tell two things or memories that make this person your hero.
    4. Elaboration: Why do those memories make this person a hero?
    5. Analysis: What longlasting and important impact will this person have on you? The world? Why does having heroes matter?
5) Exit Ticket: Share out a highlight from the week. (1 minute)
  1. Sign up for remind!
  2. Type and revise your TPEQEA paragraph by Friday!
  3. ACA journal and icebreaker forum due Friday!
  4. Get your family day attendance sheet filled out!!!!

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