Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How can groups be structured so students succeed? Daily Plans: Thursday, 11 September

Happy Thursday AVID pals!!!
Homework: Start your Learning Style Classroom Observation document. This is due NEXT FRIDAY.
Big Idea: Structures lead to student success

Essential Question: How can groups be structured so students succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...draw and label a diagram of how memory works.
...use "I" statements to share my opinion.
...create an advertisement synthesizing what I've learned about learning styles.
1) Warm Up:
  1. How can we make tutorial run more efficiently? Suggestions please! :-)
  2. What can you do if you and your tutorial group are stuck?
2) Literacy Block: How Memory Works
  1. Copy the flow chart below for how memory works.
  2. Add details. 
    1. How do you gather information in school and outside of school? Add by the "Incoming Info" arrow.
    2. What helps you stay focused? Add by the "attention" arrow.
    3. What helps you retrieve/remember information? Add by the "retrieval" arrow.
    4. What do you do to practice and use information? Add by the "rehearsal" arrow.
3) Lesson Plan: Creating GREAT Groups!
  1. Your Task: Create a 30 second commercial for the iPhone 6 that will appeal to all VARK(MM) learners!
  2. Use the cards from Tuesday to organize yourselves into groups.
    1. Add on to your square in the spreadsheet.
    2. Organize people into groups.
  3. Group read the "I" Messages sheet.
    1. Each group member will write two iMessages using the following formats:
      1. I feel the most empowered to work in a group when group members _______.
      2. I am the most likely to not contribute to group work when group members _______.
    2. Read our iMessages to the group.
  4. List promote-able and fire-able offenses based on the iMessages.
  5. Create your 30 second commercial for the iPhone 6 that will appeal to all VARK(MM) learners!
  6. Present!
4) Success Workshop: Time Management Using Goals: 
  1. Set a SMART goal for the remainder of class and work toward meeting it.
5) Exit Ticket: Give yourself an emoji evaluating your time management this week.

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