Thursday, March 16, 2017

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Friday, 17 March

Happy Friday AVID Students!
Image result for time for you-ACA Task: Discussion board post + 2 comments/replies & 8 question transcript quiz
Big Idea: Structures have interrelated parts
Essential Questions: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...set and meet a personal goal. and begin to create our college presentation board.
...act out different emotions.
1) Warm Up: Time for YOU (20 min)
  1. Open your planner. Rate your success at meeting your weekly SMART goal (1 = uhhh...I forgot; 4 = went above and beyond!).
  2. Choose what to do!
    1. Meet your SMART goal.
    2. Work on homework, revisions, late work, etc.
    3. Read or draw quietly.
    4. Ask me for something interesting to do :).
    5. Continue working on your College Fair Presentation on your own.
2) Lesson Plan: College Fair Presentation Planning (50 min)
  1. Get your copy of the planning document.
  2. Review your To Do list for today. Today's Priorities: 

    1. Add a clue and your college's name to the scavenger hunt here. This is what our visitors will do as they walk around the fair!
    2. Finish a document that has all things you want me to print in it. Share this with me once you have made sure the fonts and pictures are the size you want. Tell me once you've shared this so I can print it.
    3. Image result for best trifold poster ever
      What will you do with your trifold?
    4. Begin creating your trifold poster board. You'll need to finish this on Monday, so work accordingly!
  3. Get to work!
  4. At 25 minutes, take an optional 3 minute brain break to have a snowball fight. Write down something you plan to do this weekend, something that is stressing you out, etc. and throw your paper. Try to find a snowball that says something similar to yours. Pick up and recycle the snowballs.
Image result for best trifold poster ever

3) Family Time: Inside Out Emotional Trust Walk (Until the end of class)
Image result for inside out emotions
  1. Stand with a partner.
  2. Assign each other one emotion from Inside Out. This is your dominant emotion that people can see in your every day actions (for the next 10 minutes).
  3. Move to the right side of the room.
  4. Partner A will guide Partner B across the room. Partner A can only talk and cannot see, Partner B can only walk and talk, but cannot see. Remember to stay in character.
  5. Swap roles to get Partner A back to their seat.
  6. Debrief on a sticky note:
    1. What do you think your dominant emotions are? 
    2. Do you want to change that? Why or why not?

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