Tuesday, December 6, 2016

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 7 December

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
-Complete your tasks listed on your calendar!
-Consider bringing in a snack to share during study groups on Friday.
Image result for game design-Consider donating: tissues, hand sanitizer, sticky note tabs, and index cards
Resource of the Day:
-BBC Bitesize: GREAT for science! Choose GCSE level.
Big Idea: Structures provide organization
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...summarize what I learned this semester.
...share the game or project I created.
...write reflectively.
...study in a way that helps me.
1) Warm Up: Summary Showdown (10 min)

  1. Flip through your binders or notebooks. Add 3 sentence summaries that use at least 2 key terms (highlight them) each for as many assignments, quizzes, tests, and note pages as possible. Tab the pages you add to.
  2. Pass your binders or notebooks to a neighbor for quality control.
  3. See who wrote the most summaries!
2) Ten to Polish: Game/Project Development Workshop (10 min)
    Image result for final checklist
  1. List your group member names and project/game topic on the board. Check the game or project box.
  2. Open your copy of the document here.
  3. Add final touches to your game/project AND to your guide.
    1. Have you added how you will each earn your 20 points?
    2. Is every box filled in?
    3. Are all group members names included in the name of the document?
    4. *When you can answer yes to each question, share your document with me. If you joined a group, be sure to share your original document, finished to the "Optional" line, with me.*
  4. Done?
    1. Build on to your deck of flash cards.
    2. Make a cheat sheet for any class.
    3. Work on your study tool.
    4. Read quietly.
    3) Game Play and Project Share Time (35 min)
      Image result for playing board games
    1. Move into groups.
    2. Choose a game to play or project to share first.
      1. Games: Play them.
      2. Projects: Share what you created, why, and what it shows. Describe why you chose the product you did.
    3. Repeat until everyone has gone.
    4. Share snacks if you brought them :).
    4) Final Task: Game and Project Reflection + Quiet Study Time (Until the end of class)
    1. Fill in the form below.
    2. Study quietly by doing one of the following:
      1. Building on to your deck of flash cards.
      2. Making a cheat sheet for any class.
      3. Working on your study tool.
      4. Writing a short story or poem using at least 5 terms from your deck of flashcards.
      5. Condensing note pages into graphic organizers that are easier to read.

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