Thursday, December 1, 2016

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? Daily Plans: Friday, 2 December

Happy Friday AVID Students!
Image result for treat yourself-Complete your tasks listed on your calendar! Take some time to relax!
-Consider donating: tissues, hand sanitizer, sticky note tabs, and index cards
Resources for you:
-Check out College Info Geek for studying, stress management, writing, and reading tips, etc!
Big Idea: Structures provide organization
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...set a goal and meet it.
...critique what I have read this semester.
...create a project/game that raises awareness about an issue.
1) Warm Up: Ten for YOU!

  1. Option 1: Put final touches on your book club artifact. This must be done without talking so people can study.
  2. Option 2: Work on your game/project design guide document individually (or silently from multiple computers).
  3. Option 3: Study.
  4. Option 4: Color.
2) Final Book Club Meeting: The Return with the Elixir (25 min)
  1. Part 1: Journal Entry: Write a half page response to the following questions.
    1. Image result for book club journal
    2. What new perspectives did you look at events from as you read your books this semester? What did you learn from these new perspectives?
    3. If you could change one choice a character made or one characteristic of a character, which character would you change? What change would you make? Why? How would the outcome of the story be more satisfying with that change?
    4. Overall, what were your favorite and least favorite things about book club?
  2. Part 2: Artifact Share Fair
    1. Share with the class: the title of your book; the author's name; a 30 second summary of the book; the artifact you created; and why you created that artifact.
    2. Make sure everyone in your group talks.
    3. Demonstrate SLANT as others present!
  3. Part 3: Book Club Mini-Seminar
    1. Moderators: Meet with me.
    2. Everyone else:
      1. Discuss the following at your table:

        1. What criteria should there be for choosing books for book club?
        2. How should groups be determined?
        3. What activities are the best for book club?
        4. How can we make book club more engaging and encourage more reading?
    3. Choose a spokesperson to share with the group.
    4. Moderators will call on each group to talk.
    5. Discuss each groups' ideas. Moderators will make sure everyone gets to talk.
    6. *I will take notes so I can use your feedback in the future!*
Image result for project development3) Game/Project Development Workshop
  1. Open your copy of the document here.
  2. Make sure you have written to do lists for our work days.
  3. Keep working on creating your game/project!
  4. Projects will be shared and games will be played next Wednesday! Be ready!

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