Thursday, November 10, 2016

Where am I going? Daily Plans: Thursday, 10 November

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
Image result for catch up time****************************
1) Read to meet your book club goal for next week. 
2) Work through your game/self designed project doc so you will finish the Plan section next week.
3) Enjoy UNC Splash! I can't wait to hear about it!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: Where am I going?
Objectives: I can...
...set and meet personal goals.
...determine elements of a board game or project related to my issue.
...discuss what I have read this week.
(AVID Standards: 9-COMM.A,B; REA.B; INQ.C.1,3; CP.B.2,C.2)
1) Warm Up: Ten for YOU! (10 min)
Choose one of the options below to work on for 10 minutes. This is silent work time!
  1. Read to meet your book club goal.
  2. Work on your "My Future Story" or game design/self designed project.
  3. Complete other homework. 
  4. Organize your binder.
2) Field Trip Logistics
    Image result for unc pembroke
  1. Itinerary
  2. What to bring:
    1. Light rain jacket
    2. Jacket
    3. Wear walking shoes
    4. Bring water bottle, notebook, pen/pencil, money if you want to go to the student store 
  3. Rooms/Groups/Buses (Keep in mind that we are traveling in a big group, you get to choose where to sit at lunch and in the panel sessions. Please refrain from asking for group changes!)

Attendance Location for Monday
Nickel’s 3rd Period
Ms. Cheatham, Ms. Street, and Karla
Cheatham’s Room

Ms. Street’s Bus
Nickel’s 4th Period &
Holly, Trinity, Crystal, Noemi, Isabel
Mrs. Kitchens and Ms. Walton
Stern’s Room
Delmaine’s 4th Period & Sarah, Charley, Monserrat, Hailey, Chris, Dominick
Ms. Sawyer and Ms. Jackson
Sawyer’s Room

Ms. Walton’s Bus
Stern’s 3rd Period
Ms. Nickel and Consepsion
Ms. Nickel’s Room

3) Who am I? Where am I going? What will I give back? Board Game Challenge (35 min)
  1. Open and copy the document here.
  2. Read how to pitch your project and how to apply to work on someone else's project. 
  3. Ask questions as needed.
  4. Finish your "Imagine" or "Proposal" section.
  5. Pitch your project if you want to.
  6. Begin the "Plan" section of your document. This must be done next Friday in class.
3) Book Club Meeting 2: Opportunity to Cross the Threshold OR Refuse the Call (Until class ends)
    Image result for tests enemies and allies
  1. Title a new sheet of paper "Tests, Allies, and Enemies".
  2. Write a three question test on what you have read in the past weeks. Swap with a group member. Grade each other!
  3. Choose a minor or major character and jot down some characteristics of this character. Without revealing your character, ask your group mates yes or no questions to try to figure out a) who they are and b) if you are allies or enemies. Reveal who you are.
  4. Identify your favorite book character.
  5. Jumble with other students who are reading different books.
  6. Describe your characters and determine possible alliances and enemies if your characters were smashed together in one novel/world. Map these relationships on the back of your test.
  7. Share snacks.
  8. Time Permitting:
    1. Discuss what you read this week. Follow the protocol in the document here
    2. Finish your discussion and complete an activity today (See your contract and the options here).

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