Monday, November 21, 2016

How will I get where I am going? Daily Plans: Monday, 21 November

Happy Monday AVID Students!
1) Read to finish your book!
2) Work on your game or self-made design project.
*Finish late work and revisions for all classes! Cramming over Thanksgiving is not fun!*
Big Idea: Systems follow rules and their parts interact
Essential Question: How will I get where I am going?
Objectives: I can...
...define gratitude. quietly.
...create my game/project.
1) Warm Up: Practicing Gratitude (7 min)
  1. Define gratitude in your notebook.
  2. Use the frame below to name three people who have had a positive impact on you and what that impact has been.
  3. Tell a partner about one of the people you are thankful for.
Because of ______, I ________. 

2) Quiet Reading Time (15 min)
  1. Read for 15 minutes. Your goal is to be DONE with your book club book by tomorrow.
  2. Done reading?
    1. Image result for board games
    2. Work on homework or revisions.
    3. Study.
    4. Work on your game or project.
    5. Color.
3) Game/Project Development Workshop:
  1. Open your copy of the document here.
  2. Get into groups as needed.
  3. Keep working on creating your game/project.
  4. Make sure you are writing your game play guide!
  5. Tomorrow is beta testing/feedback day! Be ready! 

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