Wednesday, November 16, 2016

How will I get to where I am going? Daily Plans: Thursday, 17 November

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
1) Read to meet your book club goal for tomorrow! Finish your book by next Tuesday!
2) Work on your game design/self-designed project.
*Late: Share your finished "My Future Story" with me ASAP!*
Image result for what did you learn***************************
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How will I get to where I am going?
Objectives: I can...
...recall what I have learned this week.
...critique a variety of art.
...refer to text in a discussion.
...set and meet personal goals.
1) Warm Up: Learning Log (7 min)
  1. Take three minutes to update your TOCs for the week. Notice what concepts you have learned recently!
  2. Add on to Learning Log #3 (TOC #27). This can be a comic, concept rating, PEA paragraph, or concept map.
  3. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up and tell two people not at your table what you learned recently.
2) Literacy Block: Reading Artwork (20 minutes)
    Image result for art gallery
  1. Before the gallery walk:
    1. Get your gallery walk sheet.
    2. Share out how you will find the theme in a work of art.
  2. During the gallery walk:
    1. Visit the art gallery hosted by Mrs. Kitchens' class.
    2. Fill in your sheet.
  3. After the gallery walk:
    1. Return to my room.
    2. Write down your vote for the most effective work of art.
    3. Under your vote, write a two sentence justification for choosing that work of art - what made it most impressive?
3) Lesson Plan: Student Planned Discussion (30 min)
    Image result for causes of climate change
  1. Rounds 1-2: Rapid Philosophical Chairs
    1. Before Philosophical Chairs:
      1. Skim through two of the articles below.
        1. We need to address climate change with stricter regulations on agriculture, transportation, and industry.
        2. College should be made affordable for all students through lower tuition (funded by higher taxes and fund reallocation) and low-interest student loans.
      2. Write an index card describing your decision on each topic.
    2. During Philosophical Chairs:
      1. Listen.
      2. Paraphrase.
      3. Share.
      4. Move.
    3. After Philosophical Chairs, write a 2 minute quick write: When was it the easiest to paraphrase others? Hardest? Who was the most persuasive? What did this person say or do that was persuasive?
  2. Round 3: Mini-Seminar Addressing Discrimination
    1. Before the seminar: 
    2. Image result for what is discrimination
      1. Skim the article here.
      2. Work in your group to answer the following questions on your whiteboard:
        1. How do people experience discrimination? (ie, What does discrimination look and sound like? What counts as discrimination? When and where does it happen? Who does it?)
        2. Why do people discriminate?
        3. How can we encourage less discrimination?
      3. Write two questions for discussion as a group.
    3. During the seminar:
      1. Share your board.
      2. Open the floor for questions.
    4. After the seminar: 2 minute quick write
      1. What is one way you have experienced discrimination? Discriminated against someone else? Seen someone else deal with discrimination?
      2. What will you do when you notice discrimination occurring?
Image result for study hall4) Success Workshop: SMART Study Hall
  1. Set a goal related to one of the following and work:
    1. Reading for book club
    2. Working on your game/self designed project
    3. Missing or late work
    4. Homework
  2. Check your SMART goal for the week and list what you need to do to accomplish this goal.

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