Homework: None
**Family Fair: Thursday, October 27th**
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How does my country make decisions? What supports your success?
Objectives: I can...
...identify events my country cares about.
...find similarities between my country and others.
...describe events from the perspective of my country.
...set SMART goals.
(AVID Standards: 9-CD.B.4-5; COMM.A.6-7; WRI.C.3; INQ.A,C.1-2; COLL.A.1-4; ORG.C.1; REA.A.1-2;B.1-3)
1) Warm Up: My country cares about... (30 min)
- Part 1: Current Event Round Up (15 min)
- Sit with your country group.
- Take out TOC #24: Resolution Evaluation. (1st period: Make a note sheet with "Resolution Evaluation" at the top.)
- Go to Google and search your country's name and the word "news" (ex: Armenia news). Select a site that ends with your country's code (ex: Armenia's is ".am"). Translate the page if necessary.
- Scroll through the headlines and skim 2-3 articles.
- Tell your group what your articles were about.
- Part 2: Connections (15 min)
- Everyone will start standing.
- One person will share information about his or her country (anything from your research packet, resolution decisions, and current event round up) until someone finds a similarity. Sit down.
- When you hear a similarity, step in and say, "My country shares that." Then, share information about your country until someone shares a similarity.
- Continue until everyone is seated.
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What does your country value? Red = Individualist, Yellow = Collectivist |
- Before you begin:
- Watch the first 4 min of the video below.
- Share out, what UN initiatives do you care about most? Which do you think your country would be most involved in? Why?
- Watch the video describing a Model UN Conference.
- Complete the anticipation guide at the top of your resolution research paper.
- In your group, decide which resolutions to focus on.
- For groups of 3 or fewer, you may choose one resolution to focus on OR you may choose to have one-two delegates per room to vote on each resolution.
- For groups of 4 or more, you must have at least two people per resolution.
- Read your assigned resolution.
- Jot down connections between your country and your topic.
- While you research:
- Find two articles from news sources based in your country that relate to your topic. If you need to, you may try news sources like NPR or BBC if you cannot find enough from a news source from your country. *Remember, you are representing your country as if you were from there! Using your country's media will help you do that!*
- Suggested search terms:
- Sweatshop: Country name: Worker rights; sweatshop; working conditions; child labor laws; health of sweatshop workers
- Israeli-Palestinian Health and Conflict Resolution: Country name: Israel-Palestine conflict; assistance for refugees; refugee crisis; refugee status; immigration; Hamas; crimes against humanity; international aid
- Fill in your research guide.
- After you research:
Fill in the Google Form below to set a personal, academic, and career goal for the semester.
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