Monday, August 15, 2016

What structures can you use to succeed? (Day 7) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 16 August

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!

-TPEQEA draft due Thursday!
-Final TPEQEA due Friday.
-TRFs start next week!
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What structures can you use to succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...give clear directions using mathematical terms.

...format a citation.
...write a TPEQEA paragraph.
...organize my notes and binder.
1) Warm Up: Telephone Talk - A Geometry Conversation (8 min)

  1. Pull up your lumosity fit test scores screen shot document.
  2. Partner up so in your pair one person has the geometric design and the other partner has blank paper.
  3. Designer: Pretend you are on the phone and your partner cannot see the design. Give them as specific instructions as possible so they can draw the design. Use geometric terms.
  4. Drawer: Draw, as well as you can, the design your partner has. Avoid looking at the design. Ask questions as needed.
  5. The closest pair wins a prize!
2) Literacy Block: Citation Formats (20 min)
  1. Before you begin: Convince your neighbor that citations are important using skeptic/lobbyist.
  2. While you skim OWL Purdue's citation information, draw/write and label the basic anatomy of an MLA citation.
  3. After you skim: Play the Tic-Tac-Toe citation game here.
3) Lesson Plan: TPEQEA Writing (30 min)
  1. Before you write:
    1. Copy the document here.
    2. Rename it "Your Name - Issue to Solve TPEQEA".
    3. Add your citation.
  2. Type your paragraph.
  3. After you write, document a writing concern: Highlight a part of your paragraph you have a question about and write a question.
  4. Timeline:
    1. Complete draft due Thursday when you come in!
    2. Peer reviews on Thursday!
    3. Final draft due on Friday!
4) Success Workshop: Revise your notes! (15 min)
  1. Add questions in the margins.
  2. Write summaries.
  3. Compare notes with a neighbor and add on.
  4. Quiz each other using your questions.
5) Exit Ticket: Review the binder checklist below and improve your binder. On a sticky note, tell me how many points (out of 10) you would get for your binder.

  • Your name is obvious on the front of every binder.
  • All content areas, including Advisory, have a binder or tab.
  • All papers are in the correct part of the binder.
  • All class papers are in the rings (except papers that need to go home to get signed).
  • TOCs are filled out and up to date.
  • Papers are in the correct order.
  • The pencil pouch has at least one FUNCTIONAL pen or pencil and a highlighter or marker.
  • You have your ruler.
  • Your book bag does not have any unorganized papers.
  • You have a planner.

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