Sunday, May 8, 2016

Where am I going? How will I get there? 10 Day Review Day 6: Monday, 9 May

Happy Monday Successful Students!
1) Meet your SMART goals for today!
2) Find all computer components (laptop, laptop bag, charger) and bring them in on Wednesday to ADVISORY)
3) Finish your foldable by Wednesday
Big Idea: Structured review can support success
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...identify what is causing me to worry and how to cope.
...practice asking myself questions to help me answer questions.
...create a foldable.
1) Warm Up: Stress Snow Ball Fight (10 min)
  1. Take 2 minutes to list everything that is stressing you out or causing you to worry.
  2. Ball this up.
  3. Throw it.
  4. Pick up a different ball.
  5. Write two ways to deal with the list of stressors on your new list.
  6. Throw this stress ball.
  7. Pick one up.
  8. Share ways to de-stress.
  9. Recycle all your stress!
2) Literacy Block: Exam Fishbowl (30 min)
  1. Before:
    1. Set up a note sheet for today.
    2. Draw your brain during exams.
    3. Label this as "Totally effective", "Kind of effective", "Not very effective", "Very ineffective", "I'm so bored I'm sleeping", or "AHHHH! My brains exploded!".
    4. Read the following two sections in the document here:
      1. Strategies for Answering Multiple Choice Questions
      2. Key terms used in instructions for essay exams
    5. List questions you could ask yourself when working through a test question.
  2. During:
    1. Sit in groups of 4. Determine your order for being in the middle of the fishbowl. You may only change order if the you are not in the class the question is for.
    2. Read the question on the slide.
    3. Ask yourself at least 4 questions to help you figure out the answer. Remember, there are questions of form and questions of function:
      1. Question of Form: Which answers can I eliminate?
      2. Question of Function: Eliminate the dumb answer choices. 
    4. Work out the answer to the question.
    5. Progress to the next slide and next person!
  3. After:

    1. Look back at the picture you drew before you read and answered questions.
    2. In marker, write 4 questions you can ask yourself when you get stuck.
3) Lesson Plan/Success Workshop: Study Tool #2 (30 min)
  1. Choose a class (not World History, Math 3, PreCalc, Spanish, Stats, and ideally, not the class you did last week), that will be the topic of an in-depth foldable.
  2. Watch the video below.
  3. Get three sheets of paper and create your foldable.
  4. Requirements:
    1. On the outside of each tab, write a question. You should have 6 questions, two questions at each of Costa's levels.
    2. Answer your question inside each tab. 
    3. At least 1 question will have a graphic organizer of some kind as the answer.
    4. At least 2 questions require some kind of sketch, visual, or worked-out problem on the inside of the tab.
  5. You will use these in study groups on Wednesday.
4) Exit Ticket: What is your study tool about? How did the Sanford Redesign Project go for you? (10 min)
  1. Fill in the form below.
  2. Then, take time to make sure a) your binder is organized so you can find materials to study and b) that you have specific SMART goals for each day this week.

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