Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Where am I going? How will I get there? What will I give back? 10 Day Review Day 3: Wednesday, 4 May

Happy Wednesday Successful Students!
Homework: Meet your SMART goals for today! Make sure your study tool is DONE before tomorrow!
Big Idea: Structured review can support success
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...define key test taking terms.
...recall AVID information.
...contribute to redesigning Sanford.
...create a study tool.
1) Warm Up: AVID and Test Taking Skills Quiz-Quiz-Trade (Until 1:40)
  1. Round 1: Test Definitions
    1. Get your card.
    2. Stand Up-Stand Up-Pair Up and read your word.
    3. Once you and your partner have defined your words, swap cards.
    4. Find a new partner and repeat.
  2. Round 2: Test Definitions
    1. Get your card.
    2. Stand Up-Stand Up-Pair Up and read your question.
    3. Once you and your partner have answered your questions, swap cards.
    4. Find a new partner and repeat.
2) Success Workshop: Create your Study Tool (Until 2:15)
  1. Check the checklist on the top of the document hereAre you on track to finish your study tool today?
  2. Open your copy of the study tool template you need: Video Collage; Graphic Organizers; Lesson Plan
  3. Finish creating your study tool.
  4. Show me your work when you are done!
3) Time for you: Sanford Redesign! (Until 2:42)
Tomorrow you will meet with other students in your presentation committee. Be ready!
  1. Get with your group.
  2. Make sure everyone knows what to do.
  3. Continue working!
  4. Fill in your log from today.
  5. Keep your log out.
4) Exit Ticket: Study SMART!
  1. Review your SMART goals for tonight on your calendar.
  2. Readjust your goals if necessary.
  3. Set a reminder to get your work done!

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