Sunday, April 24, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Monday, 25 April

Happy Monday Sanford Redesigners!
-TRF due Wednesday
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...list what I remember from my classes.
...take notes during a lecture setting.
...plan a skit using details about CCCC classes. on our component of redesigned Sanford.
Read about brain dumps here.
1) Warm Up: Class Mind Dump (7 min)

  1. Choose a class you need to study for.
  2. On the lined side of your index card, list everything you can about that class. Write as small as possible. *Use your TOC if you need help!* (3 min)
  3. Fold your paper in half, unlined side facing out.
  4. Write your name and the class you wrote about on the outside of the card.
  5. Put your card in the container.
  6. After I dump the container, find a card that belongs to someone else but is about a class you are in.
  7. Read his or her card.
  8. Find your person and say, "You could add ____." and "Thanks for reminding me of ____.".
  9. Return to your regular seat.
  10. Discuss: When could you use this strategy? Why might it be helpful?

2) Literacy Block: College Story Time (15 min)
Where will YOU work in college?
  1. Set up a Cornell note sheet of paper. EQ: How are college experiences similar and different? Topic: Ms. Nickel's college stories
  2. Draw a bubble on the right side of the paper.
  3. Listen and take notes as I tell you about my college experience.
  4. Add any questions you want to ask me in the bubble.
  5. After I'm done telling you about my time at UNC, compare your notes to a neighbor's and add on.
  6. Ask me questions.
  7. Draw brackets between related parts and write a question for each bracket.
  8. Finally, describe how our college experiences will be similar and different.
  9. Debrief: What made taking notes from my story difficult? Easy? When would you normally add questions and summaries to your notes?
3) Lesson Plan: Skit Prep and Sanford Redesign
  1. Part 1: After AVID Skit Prep (15 min)
    1. Tomorrow you will present a skit to the class to show us how to be successful (or not successful) after AVID. Today you will plan that skit.
    2. Skit Topics:
      1. Budget Team: This semester you have two online courses. You are absent from classes at LEC for three days in a row - the first two are snow days and you get a cold so you miss a third. What do you do (or do not do) about your online classes to ensure you get a C or higher?
      2. Architect Team: You have decided you want to go to a private four year university. You cannot figure out how your classes will transfer to that school. What do you do?
      3. Design Team: You are struggling in one of your college classes at CCCC. Your professor's office hours are during one of your other classes. What do you do?
      4. Tech Innovation Team: You just got your schedule for your shifts at Lowe's Foods and you have three birthday parties coming up. You also have a paper for Ms. Regan and a test in Biology. How do you balance it all?
      5. Marketing Team: You did not turn in a major assignment for a college class at CCCC and have a zero on that assignment. You now have a D and only 4 grades left for the semester. What do you do?
    3. Expectations:
    4. Redesigning Moore Square in Downtown Raleigh
      1. Every group member talks at least twice.
      2. We can tell if your group is demonstrating successful or unsuccessful choices.
      3. You use accurate details about college policies and resources.
      4. Each member uses an audible voice.
  2. Part 2: Sanford Redesign (Until 2:42)
    1. Revisit your timeline for today.
    2. Meet with any groups as necessary.
    3. Meet with me to tell me about your final product.
    4. Get to work!
    5. *Final products must be as close to done as possible by Thursday. Come in at lunch or after school as needed!*
4) Exit Ticket: Fill in your Sanford Redesign log for today!

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