Sunday, December 6, 2015

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? 10 Day Review: Monday, 7 December

Idea from here.

Happy Monday AVID Family!
Homework: Complete your study calendar goal! 
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...plan for success in stressful situations.
...list test taking strategies. material.
...begin creating a study tool.
1) Warm Up: Planning for Success in Stressful Situations
  1. Part 1: (5 min + 2 min to share)
    1. Describe what comforts you and why. Use the prompt above and to the right.
    2. OR Share how you or a made up character deals with stress. Do you/your character play with pets? Eat candy? Clean? Walk? Write about this or create a comic.
  2. Part 2: Try Yoga! (5 min)

2) Literacy Block: Preparing for Exams (20 min)
  1. Task 1: AVID Exam
    1. Preview the AVID Exam here. 
    2. Questions?
  2. Task 2: Review Tips
    1. Identify: How will the AVID exam be different from most of your exams?
    2. Skim the document here. Stop at Essay Tips.
    3. Create a multiple choice test taking cheat sheet. 
Cornell-ify it all!
3) Lesson Plan: Note-Taking and Making Practice (20 min)
  1. Choose a class to study for (not the same one you made QQT cards for).
  2. List 4 specific concepts you need to review and find related notes, blog posts, assignments, etc.
  3. Set up and take Cornell notes based on your resources.
  4. Add one Essential Question, one HOT question per concept, and a summary.
  5. Highlight key terms used. 
4) Time for You: Put the information in a new format!
Today and tomorrow you will create study tools. On Wednesday you will work with other students who studied the same thing to review information. Use the same class and 4 concepts you created Cornell notes for above. You may add on more concepts to review. You may choose to work in groups of 2-3. 
  1. Your options:
    1. Video Collage: 
      • Create a Google Document named "Name - Video Collage for ____". Find 4 videos, one that explains each concept. Write 3 questions each (1 for each of Costa's levels). Copy the questions on another page and answer and explain each question. 
      • (Add 2 videos + 3 questions/person.)
    2. Graphic Organizer Booklet: 
      • Create 1 graphic organizer per concept. Add at least 7 details (2 definitions, 5 facts). Cover 10 of the definitions or facts with sticky notes or index cards with questions on them. 
      • (Add 2 graphic organizers/person OR double the details on 3 of the original ones.)
    3. Review Game:
      • Create a review game. Make a board with at least 5 labeled illustrations. Create 20 question cards (half definitions, half questions). 
      • (Add 3 labeled illustrations and 15 question cards/person.)
    4. Propose your own! Add it to the form and ask for approval!
  2. Fill in the form below to plan your study tool creation: 

5) Exit Ticket: Learning Log
  1. Complete Day 6 of your learning log.
  2. Return this to your binder and TOC (#28: Learning Log).

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