Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? 10 Day Review: Thursday, 3 December

Happy Thursday AVID Family!
Homework: Complete your study calendar goal! *Missing work slips!*
Big Idea: Structures lead to success
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can... and identify my strengths.
...practice strategies to help me succeed in taking exams.
...identify and use key terms and main ideas for all content areas.
...summarize what I have reviewed so far. 
1) Warm Up: You are a superhero student! (De-stress coloring time :) (10 min)
YAY sustainability!
  1. Draw yourself as a superhero student! 
    1. What is your superhero name?
    2. What makes you a superstudent?
    3. What is your kryptonite?
    4. What cool gadgets do you have?
    5. Who is your side kick?
  2. Show me your QQT cards with answers.
How will your future career make you a hero?
2) Exam Prep Fishbowl (30 min)
  1. Before:
    1. Set up a note sheet for today.
    2. Classify strategies as effective and ineffective things to do when you get stuck on a test question.
    3. Skim the section on "Answering Multiple Choice Questions" here
    4. List questions you could ask yourself when working through a hard question. (Refer to the poster by my table, Costa's House, Checking for Understanding questions in your TRF, etc.)
  2. During:
    1. Sit in groups of 4. Determine your order for being in the middle of the fishbowl. You may only change order if the you are not in the class the question is for.
    2. Read the question on the slide.
    3. Ask yourself at least 5 questions to help you figure out the answer. Remember, there are questions of form and questions of function:
      1. Question of Form: Which answers can I eliminate?
      2. Question of Function: Eliminate the dumb answer choices. 
    4. Work out the answer to the question.
    5. Progress to the next slide and next person!
  3. After:
    1. Look back at your warm up for yesterday.
    2. In marker, write questions to ask yourself or strategies to use instead of freaking out when you get to hard material. 
    3) Quiz-Quiz-Trade Marathon Part 3
    1. Break into content groups based on your QQT card content.
    2. Choose the 16-18 most important cards (only 6 definitions!).
    3. Give me the best cards.
    4. Play rounds of Quiz-Quiz-Trade. Bring your notebook with you to solve work and to record information in. 
    5. Rounds:
      1. Round 1: Math
      2. Round 2: English/Reading (find people with the same class)
      3. Round 3:  World History/C&E or Spanish
    6. Each round will last 6 minutes followed by 2 minutes to summarize. Things to note when you have time to summarize:
      1. What key terms did you define, use, or hear?
      2. What memory tricks, rules, or formulas do you need to remember?
      3. What were some main ideas you heard?
    7. Debrief at the end: List questions you still need answered. Who will answer your questions?
    4) Exit Ticket: Learning Log
    1. Complete Day 3 (recall what you reviewed yesterday during Tutorials) and Day 4 of your learning log.
    2. Return this to your binder and TOC (#28: Learning Log).

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